Recent content by raymoto17

  1. R

    Giveaway: Chop Source Frame Jig Kit! (ends 11pm CST on March 31th, 2016)

    Sign me up for the drawing please.
  2. R

    Giveaway: Chop Source Frame Jig Kit! (ends 11pm CST on March 8th, 2015)

    Please enter me in the Jig kit giveaway.
  3. R

    So what should i do with this thing

    Plus 1 on the #7 in Yamaha Chop's post. Great looking cafe bike.
  4. R

    Giveaway: Set of rims from Mike's XS (ends 11pm CST July 8, 2012)

    I will toss my hat.... errr..... axles in the ring.
  5. R

    January 2012 XSOTM Pictures, voting, and discussion.

    Rude, that is a very nice and clean bike ! I gave my vote to Pregrid as I know him from other forums and flat-track has a fond place in my heart, but your bike and the others make it a hard choice. :thumbsup: