homemade rotor removal tool anyone build one?

Use a tie down strap and pieces of 2X4 and those indespensible coupling nuts and bolts screwed in at both ends.

Loop the tie down behind the rotor a few times and in front of the crank you put a 2X4. Between the crank and that 2X4 put the coupling nut with bolts in it. Then once its all tight by hand, start unscrewing the bolts from the coupling nut.
I even split the crank with coupling nuts. Them coupling nuts are capable of putting out several tons of force. Protect the crank by putting an aluminum piece, like a crushed coke can even in between the threads and the head, and leave the nut on the crank but flush with the end of the crank. General engineering principles, washers and sacrificial material where you dont waht to tear up the important pieces.
That's brilliant. It'll save somebody a few days, or the way things have been going, a few weeks.