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  1. G

    XS to Triumph?

    I heard from a guy that the XS is a "copy" of the Triumph 650 unit engine. He said the motormounts was a nearly perfect match, is that true? See I got my XS chopper but sorry guys, Triumph is cooler. It just happens to be so that I also have got a Triumph 750 unit 5-speed engine and It would...
  2. G

    Follow me on a trip through Swedish autumnnature

    Was up early this morning to go out with the bike all day until my nightshift at work starts, decided to take a few pics on the way. Still frost on the car when I went out.. First stop was at an old sandpit where we once blown a car up with dynamite, that shit is funny! Also...
  3. G

    Oldschool XS chopper in Sweden

    Hi all, made an intro go read it if you wish! Finally made a tough decision and traded my halfdone -53 Pontiac chop for an XS chopper, Triumph frame, Triumph 750 engine and LOTS of stuff Started by sorting through all stuff and riding the...
  4. G

    New XS owner from Sweden, intro and bikes

    Hi guys, seems to be alot of knowledge in these bikes over here so I thought Id join. Here are some bikes I have owned/built As you can see I have allways been into the oldschool bobberstyle but since I traded my Pontiac for a xs...