Search results

  1. slapfrog

    Time to rebuild my motor and add some extras!

    Ok, so my riding season is now over and I want to tear into my motor. I'm going to rephase the crank myself (first time for me) and I want to buy a 250-30 megacycles cam with a 277* firing order to replace the stock cam. Does anybody have any experience with this specific cam, what's your...
  2. slapfrog

    Ima gunna throw these carbs out the window!

    I've been having the hardest time getting these carbs jetted and adjusted right. They are 1979 BS38's Symptoms: Falls flat when throttle is cracked open at idle, spits and sputters when driving around and throttle is cracked open, runs good and pretty torque when riding with choke on, but...
  3. slapfrog

    First tire up build

    This is my first tire up build. It's a 79 xs650 special that I have been working on for about a year now. I have built 90% of the bike and parts. Tell what you think.
  4. slapfrog

    79 xs650 First tire up build.

    This is my first full build from the tires up. I'm quite aways into the build but I wanted to wait until I had decent amount finished because its been taking me quit some time (1 yr). Posted via Mobile
  5. slapfrog

    Looking for some locals!

    Does anyone live in Spokane , WA? Im looking to hook up with some local xs650 people. Also, does anybody know of any xs650 rally's or get togethers?