pamco install questions


XS650 Enthusiast
Reaction score
Olympic Peninsula, in Washington State
I bought an 81 in boxes, PO was a great guy but it was a quick craigslist sale, he was moving, price was low and time was short.

I didn't get any paperwork or instructions, the hughs pma was installed and it looks well done and complete. A question regarding it, if I get the pamco installed properly and go to start it using a temp battery rather than the pma do I need to hook the pma up to a battery as well or can it just be left unplugged while the motor runs on the stand?

Now to the Pamco, there was no ignition advance in the box, I ordered and received one from Mikes. There is one bushing in the box and it looks like it should go on the right side to center the advance rod but it won't slide in the cam? It's close to fitting but I didn't want to start using persuasion because it would be very difficult to reverse once driven in.

I have the parts in the photo plus the retainer nut and a grommet.

It looks like I need to order an advance locating pin and I need some clear instruction regarding the locating pins and bushings specific to a 1981 model. I want to try to make sure I get what I need in the next order and am confused about the the bushings, as mentioned there is one in the box and if there are any already installed I can't see them.

Thanks for anyone who has some time to help me sort this out, I've sent an email on the help line as well. I have limited mechanical and computer skills but I have a warm shop and a fair amount of resolve. I work so I might be a bit slow responding to questions. Gramps




Well, there are fairly complete instructions for installing the bushings, rod and advancer on the web site I can see from the pics that there is quite a bit of rust in the cam shaft hollow where the bushings go. This has to be cleaned out completely as the bushing is a very tight fit and you will not get it right with that amount of rust in the hole.

You need three bushings for the PAMCO. Two go on the advancer side and one goes in the PAMCO side. This is done to minimize binding. Just get the basic brass bushings, not the steel ones.

If you are going to start with the PAMCO wired to a separate battery, which is a very good idea, then unplug the regulator for the PMA, get the engine running and the ignition timed, then connect the PMA and check the battery voltage at 3,000 RPM for 14.5 Volts. Be on the lookout for high battery voltage and shut down immediately if the voltage exceeds 15 Volts with the headlight on.
Thank you Pete,

One of the biggest problems has been not investing the time on my part to really try to sort things out, I search and read and than by the time I get to the shop I have myself well confused and no onsite internet.

I now know there are no bushings installed, and I understand where they belong and with a bit of measuring I can understand why two on the right and one on the left, the left side "pamco side" must have a bit of extra room where the bushing could float from side to side.

I will order a set as well as the advance locating pin. I'll give both sides some cleaning up and should be able to move forward. Thanks again for the response, I've been around a lot of mechanics over the years and I am not one. I get the basic righty tighty part and generally know not to over tighten things until they fail but mechanics see the steps involved and I tend to become target fixated on the finishline. gramps