Right now I'm listening to...

“I guess I just process death differently than some folks. Realizing you’re not going to see that person again is always the most difficult part about it. But that feeling settles, and then you are glad you had that person in your life, and then the happiness and the sadness get all swirled up inside you. And then you’re this great, awful candy bar, walking around in a pair of shoes.” John Prine
Sweet eloquence is hard to come by these days.
very nice duet. just recently discovered susan hamilton. super agility and interesting girlish voice. no, that is not her picture :)

I've decided to turn off the news for a few days,
and just play music.
Recycling this upbeat tune by Jude Cole:

Hey, where's Queenslegs?? He was here a few days ago.....
...my girlfriend from 40 years ago playing flute in socially distanced video church. First I've seen her since the early '80s. She was the most beautiful woman I ever saw, with lots of mannerisms and great sense of humor.
Good music is stolen music.

Antiquity -> 1600 -> 1725 -> 1975

Firstt, antiquity:

Next 1600:
Next, 1725:
Next, 1973
"aw, we come on the ship they call the mayflower
we come on the ship that sailed the moon
we come in the age's most uncertain hour
... :popcorn:
Joel Plaskett a Halifax NS artist that I have been listening for years. Currently release a 44 song album just shy of his 45th birthday. A little something for everyone on here.

Not music but if you want to kill some hours watching a guy working on chimneys or old steam engines go to YouTube and do a search on:
"Fred Dibnah"
Already pissed away a couple hours this morning listening to these guys...
...who says all Russians are bad folks