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    • Brassneck
      Brassneck replied to the thread Any vintage car guys here?.
      Indeed. In fact, I just did that this past summer, where I got to replace the pedal assembly at the same time. (Getting the return...
    • Brassneck
      Brassneck replied to the thread Any vintage car guys here?.
      Ha ha... I've had so many little things go out...throttle cable snapped, Wiper motor, heat vent cables break...etc ...not to mention how...
    • Brassneck
      Brassneck replied to the thread Any vintage car guys here?.
      There's something about the classic VW's...much like vintage motorcycles, they are accessible, relatively easy (maybe cheap) to work on...
    • Brassneck
      Brassneck replied to the thread Any vintage car guys here?.
      I've had a few note worthy classics, my first car was a 1979 Toyota FJ40. Loved it for all of it's imperfections and style...only wish...
      • Ghia.jpg
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