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      Chad041 replied to the thread What should I replace?.
      It’s a 79. Points ignition
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      Chad041 replied to the thread What should I replace?.
      Do I just pull the rings off and check the end gap…if good, just reinstall? Is there a way to check valve seal other than just...
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      Chad041 posted the thread What should I replace? in The Garage.
      Just took the engine out because there was a lot of aluminum in the oil filter. Figured the cam chain tensioner. Looks like I was right...
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      Any thoughts before I eventually pull the side cover? I’m trying to test the compression. I have the bike in neutral and the kick start...
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      Chad041 posted the thread What is this for? in The Garage.
      Previous owner tapped and plugged the secondary oil filter cover. Any idea why this would be done?
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      Chad041 replied to the thread Where to start.
      I'm assuming I have a standard. I don't have any body parts with the bike to compare though. Single disc, spoke wheel, and rear drum.
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      Chad041 posted the thread Where to start in The Garage.
      Just got a ‘79 xs650 project bike. Motor has no wiring, coils, etc. Need to get it running first before I start customizing. I’ve been...
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