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    • joebgd
      joebgd replied to the thread Faulty master cylinder?.
      I had same problem. Could not get front caliper to work after line change. Filled from bottom filled from top nothing. Let sit over...
    • joebgd
      joebgd replied to the thread saddle bags.
      That's what I have been missing. I need to make up some support for my generic cow hide or whatevers. Due for new set. Definitely figure...
    • joebgd
      joebgd replied to the thread You asked for it!.
      I love it. I am a carpenter as well. I appreciate the entire bike. In the states we need Front and rear signals, day time lights again...
    • joebgd
      joebgd replied to the thread Air compressor filter pre pump..
      Allot of good information here thanks all. I was researching last night. I'm going to go with an in line water filter. Right as it comes...
    • joebgd
      I know you guys should know. I want to put a moisture filter on my air compressor before the air enters the tank. I see in line filters...
    • joebgd
      joebgd replied to the thread Supermax vertical mill renovation.
      Wow. You are an inspiration. I think I took bronze in that event or may have been gold. Seriously tho I've been in such an unusual lazy...
    • joebgd
      joebgd replied to the thread Oil Coolers.
      I love it. I want to eventually do a small fan, with a switch on an oil cooler. Sometimes I'm in serious traffic.
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