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    • J
      JonnyThumper replied to the thread Another 75 brat..
      My primary weld guy is not interested in the work - so I need to pass as this is beyond my skill set.
    • J
      JonnyThumper replied to the thread Another 75 brat..
      South of Ogden but yes - it was her “starter bike”. Very nice person
    • J
      JonnyThumper replied to the thread Another 75 brat..
      @Wingedwheel - if you have a photo you could share of your old brat kit, my welding buddy said he’d give it a look for mod needs to fit...
    • J
      Does that work? If so - that is so clever and still so simple I am kicking myself for not thinking of it. I like your way of thinking!
    • J
      JonnyThumper replied to the thread Another 75 brat..
      That’s me in a nutshell - going out of style, and doing it late! Thank you for the note. Will see if one of my pro welding friends would...
    • J
      JonnyThumper replied to the thread Another 75 brat..
      @Wingedwheel - can you spare a minute and tell me about the frame kit? Is it the “brat kit”? It seems those are not around any more -...
    • J
      JonnyThumper replied to the thread Another 75 brat..
      @Raymond - thanks, I’m pretty excited about the possibilities. I’m one of those “I can see a future look” for the bike people…now the...
    • J
      JonnyThumper replied to the thread Another 75 brat..
      Hello and thank you for the welcome. Here is the bike. Photo looks better than real-life. Paint is shot, golfball dent in gas tank and...
      • C529585C-37E4-4BF0-910D-6216EA2642B5.jpeg
      • C529585C-37E4-4BF0-910D-6216EA2642B5.jpeg
    • J
      JonnyThumper replied to the thread Another 75 brat..
      Gotcha - thanks for the heads up. I appreciate it. Lots of great stuff on this forum, I see lots of inspiration and education ahead.
    • J
      JonnyThumper replied to the thread Another 75 brat..
      Hi - I’m a newbie (2nd bike build) and am TOTALLY inspired by this project of yours. Sorry I’m 7yrs late to the party, but as you say...
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