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    • L
      laakkeet replied to the thread New owner.
      Alrighto, I'll order the correct one from Heiden. Thanks!
    • L
      laakkeet replied to the thread New owner.
      Thanks all! I definetly want to know whats going on with the marks, so going to pull the rotor. I’ll post the pics after for you Jim...
    • L
      laakkeet replied to the thread New owner.
      Thanks all! I found the TDC but it’s way off the mark. Same with the ignition timing. Rockers are loose on tdc and opposing side is...
    • L
      laakkeet replied to the thread New owner.
      Thanks for the indepth reply! You are corect, I am pretty new to some of this stuff but eager to learn :cheers: Checked my advance...
    • L
      laakkeet replied to the thread New owner.
      I went ahead to check the valve clearance and timing, as the bike tried to kick back alot when I originally got it running. I set up...
      • IMG_1118.jpeg
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