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    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread New bike advice.
      Cool. I fixed the rear taillight and going to Home Depot to get supplies for the front. I am going to untangle everything and remove the...
    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread New bike advice.
      This is also what the headlight looks like. It seems as if there is too much stuff in there to put the headlight back on.
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    • spencerm
      spencerm posted the thread New bike advice in The Garage.
      Hi there, purchased this xs650 about a week ago. Very happy so far, I have replaced air filters, put in new gas, and fired it right up...
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    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread Specifics For Parts.
      Cool will order this tonight and make sure to oil it.
    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread Specifics For Parts.
      I wish I had the skill to cut my own gaskets, but props to you for being good enough to do it. I am going to order a new clutch cable...
    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread Specifics For Parts.
      Ok great that was what I found when I looked further into the forums and I ordered 2 UP4200-AST, which I think are just shorter. Wish I...
    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread Specifics For Parts.
      Thanks, do I need to replace the gaskets? Also is that the correct size most use for the 78 xs650?
    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread Specifics For Parts.
      Also for cleaning the oil filters, do you just blast them with carb cleaner?
    • spencerm
      spencerm posted the thread Specifics For Parts in The Garage.
      Hi all, I am going to do a order for parts and had a specific question. I orderded both the clymer manual and Yamaha XS650 engine...
    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread Buying a new XS650.
      Well I just picked it up and it’s now mine. The bike cold started and after warming up rode fine. The clutch shifted into gears but it...
    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread Buying a new XS650.
      Wow, you guys are insanely helpful. I really appreciate all that has been posted in just a couple of hours. @650Skull , I checked again...
      • Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 12.36.23 AM.png
    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread Buying a new XS650.
      Ok going to order that stuff tonight.
    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread Buying a new XS650.
      Will do all of that. Reading back on our messages, he said this “It runs and rides, clutch cable needs adjusted, needs headlight for...
    • spencerm
      spencerm replied to the thread Buying a new XS650.
      Thank you! I look forward to learning about it! Tomorrow I am driving to pick it up, but I have verbally agreed to buy it as long as it...
    • spencerm
      spencerm posted the thread Buying a new XS650 in The Garage.
      Hi there, I am a college student buying a 1978 Yamaha xs650. It has been built to look like a cafe racer, has 15,420 miles, and needs a...
      • Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 8.36.35 PM.png
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