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  1. Ben1

    2024 Yamaha XS650 Society Inaugural Westby WI Rally. Sept 8th though Friday Sept 13th

    Also the guy that told me about the memorial sent me the picture of the earlier/ unofficial version, Reads the same but well non PC.
  2. Ben1

    2024 Yamaha XS650 Society Inaugural Westby WI Rally. Sept 8th though Friday Sept 13th

    Maby not... the room would be quieter, and the methane gas would be down to acceptable levels to stave off any oxygen deprivation. Well least cut in half any way ;)
  3. Ben1

    2024 Yamaha XS650 Society Inaugural Westby WI Rally. Sept 8th though Friday Sept 13th

    I have always found it easier to beg for forgiveness than ask permission :sneaky:
  4. Ben1

    2024 Yamaha XS650 Society Inaugural Westby WI Rally. Sept 8th though Friday Sept 13th

    Might need to store my octane boost in a different and labeled jar ;) I was wondering where it went :D
  5. Ben1

    Interest in 8 plate clutch conversions?

    Love it! got some miles on the new clutch and no slip and can find neutral even
  6. Ben1

    2024 Yamaha XS650 Society Inaugural Westby WI Rally. Sept 8th though Friday Sept 13th

    We got one more! Dan from Rockford
  7. Ben1

    2024 Yamaha XS650 Society Inaugural Westby WI Rally. Sept 8th though Friday Sept 13th

    need to do a 1 yr. anniversary run! :sneaky:
  8. Ben1

    2024 Yamaha XS650 Society Inaugural Westby WI Rally. Sept 8th though Friday Sept 13th

    No shit! Jim get up here then I can send my parts with you instead of shipping!
  9. Ben1

    2024 Yamaha XS650 Society Inaugural Westby WI Rally. Sept 8th though Friday Sept 13th

    did you mess up the shifter or brake foot? the boot will work perfect for breaking but ain't worth a shit for shifting. And yes, I ignored dr's orders :D
  10. Ben1

    2024 Yamaha XS650 Society Inaugural Westby WI Rally. Sept 8th though Friday Sept 13th

    Mikey I can bring you my medical boot from when my toes were cut off if ya want 🤣
  11. Ben1

    The reconstruction begins 1977 (Surprise)

    Nothing worse than that panic, that why I've always done zip up boots or a square knot, Mikey hope you heal up quick!!!!!!!
  12. Ben1

    Sold / Found / Inactive - 34mm fork tubes.

    sent you a PM
  13. Ben1

    Painting Tins. No really...

    That looks like my old man's tank 🤔 @Jim @Kevin Werner you didn't paint this before, have you?🤣🤣🤣 Looks Awesome!
  14. Ben1

    2024 Yamaha XS650 Society Inaugural Westby WI Rally. Sept 8th though Friday Sept 13th

    Don't sweat it old man :) if a bunch of dudes can't have a good time riding motorcycles and have a good party afterwards that's their problem!
  15. Ben1

    2024 Yamaha XS650 Society Inaugural Westby WI Rally. Sept 8th though Friday Sept 13th

    Yep except departing on sat the 14th if Interested I'll hang around another day and leave Sunday for riders that can only do the weekend?
  16. Ben1

    Sold / Found / Inactive - Cam cĥain tensioner type e

    Looking for a cam chain tensioner for a late model xs anyone got one they want to get rid of?
  17. Ben1

    XS650 Adventure Bike?

    Depends on how loud the old man snores! But I have been known to be able to compete also!