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  1. motormike


    We did a tour of China ( Oct 2019 ) We saw many American, European vehicle " knock offs ".. Honda motorcycles... and others.... our guide was very upfront stating China doesn't recognize patents or intellectual properties... at one of our stops a fellow opened a briefcase... and there were...
  2. motormike

    Ultra Rare Suzuki ....

    Ok Kiddies.... Auction ... Mach Motors IV over in Appleton, Land O'Cheese ( that's Wisconsin for you across the pond guys ) . has this very.. ultra rare Suzuki up for grabs... I've never seen one before.... Also, for you deep pocket types... Bring A Trailer has a tank listed... 😎
  3. motormike

    Other pokers in the fire ....

    Mine has the same t-light as yours.... If it had the bread box square Euro t-light I'd chuck it also.... A long time ago my father snagged 2 Vespa's at an auction in northern California.... in Air Force markings. ! blue, .. used on the flight line at Beale Air force base.... home to the...
  4. motormike

    Other pokers in the fire ....

    The blue I picked out is close.... years ago while visiting my brother in California I stopped and talked to a fellow who was working on his Vespas... he had several in his driveway.... he's the one who told me California emissions caused the maker of Vespas to stop making them... he also...
  5. motormike

    tx750 sleeve in a stock xs650 jug

    Tx and Xs are the same engines... The early year Xs.. are different... what year is the bike you plan on installing the cylinders.. ? you can use the Tx cylinders.... Tx was used for model year 73' before and after they used Xs... Why Tx for 73' > they did it with the Tx750 with the fabled...
  6. motormike

    Pop's Verdun Medal WW2

    ... a small sidebar...... I've visited the American cemetery at Verdun.... it hits you.... you'll get.... emotional... and want to die.... now...... just to be buried there... One of the few.... very few places the taxpayers' dollars are spent
  7. motormike

    tx750 sleeve in a stock xs650 jug

    LA Sleeve ..? I've done a few 750 sleeve kits... doesn't take much heat... old 650 sleeve falls out... a good machine shop can punch the cylinders... heat. ... Insert 750 sleeves... then bore and deck.... I prefer this kit as opposed to the big bore cylinders offered.... they look bloated and...
  8. motormike

    Other pokers in the fire ....

    Lessons learned.... started on my restoration for the 82' Special early last spring... basic top end, carbs went through... etc etc ..powder coat.. new paint... got it assembled ..almost.. and fired.. Then Ma Nature handed the keys to O'Man Winter and his crony Jack Frost.... No rip around the...
  9. motormike

    What book are you reading right now?

    Read both his first book... and the second one where he retraced his journey on the BMW...pictured. Years ago while at Mid Ohio he gave a lecture on his travels.... afterwards I had a few minutes with him and told him I traveled some of the same roads in East Africa.... mud roads... knee deep...
  10. motormike

    If you have a weak heart...

    Serious sticker shock.... 50 grand for a Ford F series .... or more ! A Raptor was nearly 6 figures.... .. other manufactures see it and follow suit.... spring of 09' I got a new Ford Ranger.. (2008) out the door... tax.. etc etc ... $14,000... ( Valentimes gift from the girlfriend, now...
  11. motormike

    Lift table game changer

    Behold Behemouth! :)
  12. motormike

    Lift table game changer

    That's a Handy lift and clamp ... the HF (photo) has the clamp I got from Red Line ... yrs ago.... almost identical to the unit HF offers today.. 😎
  13. motormike

    Lift table game changer

    I have the Handy lift and the HF unit... HF now sells a decent wheel clamp.... I learned out local HF's do not stock either the lift or clamp.... 3 day ordering. My HF can lift my 45 Wla's... but I wouldn't try a full sized HD.. or similar behemoth ... 😎
  14. motormike

    Did you ever wonder what it would be like to really ride a 100 year old motorcycle?

    Mine is almost a century ... 96 ... and after several years it's a runner.... As a 500cc unit it's happy at 35-40... brakes are happy at 25 mph.... avoid manhole covers and railroads tracks.... Only ridden to local events... lakes..... but I plan on longer rides... perhaps trailer it to Slimy...
  15. motormike

    1970 XS1 prices

    Forgot to add ... yes rims on the Xs2 are wrong... but the owner requested them... 😎
  16. motormike

    1970 XS1 prices

    With use of Mikes re-pop'd mufflers.. all the other chrome bits.... headers.. ( we bake them in a kiln prior to chrome work )... fenders.. fender stays... all the other various bits.... I checked into a small fender trim for a Vespa.... one shop wanted $350.oo..other shop $250.oo chrome is...
  17. motormike

    1970 XS1 prices

    Those I believe are current NADA values... not long ago they were in the neighborhood... but I've noted prices have fallen... A#1 is still worth the asking price.. to " restore " one is close to ten grand... chrome without the re-pop mufflers.. is near $2000.oo at our local " Bend Me Over Chrome...
  18. motormike

    All things rubber

    IF ... If you need a item that's Non attenable... I've used this fellow... he'll make them... just needs the remnants of the item... hard rubber..soft rubber... I needed frame insert rubbers for my Cb450 solo police bike... sent him the " pieces ".. he nailed it... 😎
  19. motormike


    ? don't ... I added them again ... 😎
  20. motormike

    10 Books You Recommend

    " 900 Days of Stalingrad "....