Search results

  1. G


    Me, neither.
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    Another "Who is this?"
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    And Telly Savalas?
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    XS Metisse

    Niiice! Sharp looking bike. I like the gray one, but really like the black one. Mike
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    Rephasing, What is it?

    Thanks! Mike
  6. G

    Rephasing, What is it?

    Is there a build thread on this? Sorry for the hijack. Mike
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    The great 2M BBQ hunt

    While visiting my daughter and son-in-law in San Antonio couple of years ago, they took us to a Rudy's. My first time for brisket, thought I'd died and gone to heaven! Here in NC BBQ is traditionally pork, not that there's anything wrong with that. Love my pork BBQ, but I might would be swayed...
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    XS650 Craigslist postings depository

    Seems to be too typical of Craigslist sellers these days ......... Mike
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    2018 Calendar Proofs (PRE-SALE LINK)

    Got mine in today's mail. Fantastic!! Thanks to Shawn and all the folks whose bikes are featured for their efforts! Mike
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    Thanks. That hit home. Mike
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    First build.. Trying to do a desert sled-ish bike

    Lasper, Looking nice! I've been wanting to build something similar for years, never seem to have the time. Solo seat w/ luggage rack looks sharp. Love those SS fenders. Are they a re-pop / generic type? Where did you source them? Mike
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    Wanted - Hard Bags with attachment hardware for XS 650

    Looks like that cable goes back across the engine then appears to cross the swingarm. TwoMany, maybe it is driven off the rear wheel? Mike
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    Wanted - Hard Bags with attachment hardware for XS 650

    Rockin', From what I can tell from your pictures, those bags look a lot like 70's era HD Sportster bags. Had a set on my Sporty back in the 70's. They were almost identical to the Big Twin bags, but about 3/4 the size. Mike
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    Homemade and Unique Tools

    Is there such a thing as fine thread all-thread? Not sure. If so, that would increase your applied force. Mike
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    Battery tenders

    :yikes:Voo-doo! I thought so! I'll try the aerosol oil trick. Thanks. Mike
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    Battery tenders

    I've got a couple of BatteryMinders like these although mine are older versions (they just look a little different). I keep the bike batteries as well as a few auto batteries on them. I got them for the "Desulfator" feature. They seem to work OK. No complaints but I do have a question for the...
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    2016 XS650 Calendar - PROOF and Pre-Sale Link

    Got mine yesterday and it looks fantastic!! Thanks for your efforts. Mike
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    Wanted - Fairing

    Something tells me a Pacifico, maybe, like this? Mike