Search results

  1. Okie

    For Sale - Garage sale parts clearout!

    Do you have a pic of the rear Brembo brake mount?
  2. Okie

    Wanted - 1978 xs650 for AHRMA

    I have a 78 special roller, it’s a little rough, but tested 120 psi on compression & shows a little over 8K on the odometer. I’m traveling to Birmingham Al in a couple weeks.
  3. Okie

    Sold / Found / Inactive - FOUND-Working Horn Wanted

    Thanks DogBunny!
  4. Okie

    Sold / Found / Inactive - FOUND-Working Horn Wanted

    Need a working horn for a 74 or 75 TX650A or XS650B. TIA
  5. Okie

    For Sale - 64 spoke hub

    Hub only decent bearings. $40 + shipping.
  6. Okie

    For Sale - Swing arms

    I have three swing arms, all are for drum brake. 1 stock, 1 extended 11/2”, and 1 that’s been braced bottom side. $20 each, you pay shipping.
  7. Okie

    Wanted - Visual impact brat kit

    I have one I never used. $75 shipped.
  8. Okie

    For Sale - Bluespot calipers

    They look like Yamaha R1/R6 calipers.
  9. Okie

    Gofast Innovations JIS screwdriver and impact driver set Giveaway (ends 1/21/22)

    Would like to find bits for impact driver!
  10. Okie

    For Sale - Bobber Shocks

  11. Okie

    Sold / Found / Inactive - XS650 POWDER COATED BATTERY BOX "SOLD"

    Is it from a standard or special? I need one for a 75.
  12. Okie

    For Sale - Bobber Shocks

    10 3/4” Bobber shocks new. $60 shipped.
  13. Okie

    For Sale - Ascot head pipes

  14. Okie

    For Sale - HHB Speedster pipes

    HHB Speedster pipes. Never used so getting rid of excess parts. Raw finish with hardware-$200 OBO shipped
  15. Okie

    Make Offer - 81 Parts for Sale

    How much for the drum rear mag?
  16. Okie

    For Sale - XS 650 Intake and Exhaust Covers

    You’re right Gary, The exhaust and breather cover are quite thick, the intakes are slightly thinner. I started to tighten them down, but there is really no need. Just enough to put a little crush on the O ring. I had no leaks at all using a power washer.
  17. Okie

    For Sale - XS 650 Intake and Exhaust Covers

    I was getting ready to power wash an engine out of the frame, my grandson 3D printed these for me. They work great, reusable, and are great for storage as well. I had the breather off, so he printed one for that as well. You only need to snug them up enough to put a little crush on the O...
  18. Okie

    Engine Design Questions

    Does the rephase help at all ? If so, why don't the manufacturers do it ? They do it now. All the new Yamaha twins, Triumph’s have 270* phasing of the crank throws now. Triumph only had it on their Scrambler previously.
  19. Okie

    Rephasing cam to firing at same time like single cylinder thumper?

    I remember reading of someone who did this some years back, 750cc twingle, he put it on a dyno & it put out something like 90 ft. lb. of torque. Better weld the crank, I’m sure it would be a great hill climber, but a horrible street bike.
  20. Okie

    o-ring (or other) replacement for 74-75 speedo damper?

    Thanks for all your hard work documenting this. I have both 74 & 75 gauges Im re-doing. On the 74 I used a TX 500 bracket since Im just refurbishing, repainted and re-labeled the face since the the 500 had an oil light where brake lining light goes. The 75 Im trying to get original, & this is...