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  1. 40north

    Right now I'm listening to... Long long time ago my scout troop (number and zone must remain secret!) had a tradition of a "leadership hike" to, help the older boys become men, if you take my meaning. We had a troop truck, a bobtail stakesided...
  2. 40north

    Just Ride.

    recently we had officially 117, nearer 120 by my instruments, and I took the old gal out for about 10 miles, not too fast. It was interesting, but in spite of low humidity it became obvious that the old fella was overheating internal body temperature. I felt dry, and was dry, but as soon as I...
  3. 40north

    Any good motorcycle movies?

    Not quite a movie.... but... well, you decide> 'shrooms anybody? ;) Middle 20th century American Typhoon motorcycles ,parallel dimension
  4. 40north

    Any good motorcycle movies? (I find Dirkiepoo objectionable as he had poor personal proclivities, but he was a good actor, had lots of close friends too.) List of old Brit biker films>
  5. 40north

    Yet another dirty rusty fuel tank.

    for shake-o-matic it's possible to use old sawzall and a spring-mounted / bungee (I scored an old milwaukee 2 speed sawzall) plywood "fixture", hose clamps and so forth. I have used that for spray can paint agitating. For a tank it's kinna smallish tho. and ya gotta keep changing it around...
  6. 40north

    Yet another dirty rusty fuel tank.

    Me squirt rattle can flatblack an' call it gud. I have low standards.
  7. 40north

    Any good motorcycle movies?
  8. 40north

    Yet another dirty rusty fuel tank.

    nice machine! kudos!
  9. 40north

    Flat track sprocket

    I have too many years for FT, but it's my favorite, next to slutty girls, prohibited substances, and shootin'. Please post some pictures as the project progresses.
  10. 40north

    Flat track sprocket

    try> looks like yer in luck
  11. 40north

    Flat track sprocket

    Suggest you check with Mike's XS for a current vendor. I spent some time looking around online. Mike's got steel 38T. But he might source something bigger, ask him. Talk sweet. Meantime I'll paw through the old receipts and see if I can find what I paid for the ones I got.
  12. 40north

    Flat track sprocket

    I'll check on the Vic Kraus. The big sprocket is 40 tooth, aluminium, the other is 38 tooth. They're both new old stock and never used. Never seen a chain. Never dropped. The 40 has once been made up to a XS wheel. They've been hanging on a nail on the shop wall for 10 years, and I bought them...
  13. 40north

    XS650 Craigslist postings depository
  14. 40north

    Flat track sprocket

    Vic Kraus, Chicago, iirc. I got two aluminum ones from them. Several years go... dunno if Kraus is still in business. If you like I'll go count teeth.
  15. 40north

    On the hunt; barn Triumph, follow along if you want.

    4 pound hammer?
  16. 40north

    On the hunt; barn Triumph, follow along if you want.

    I can loan them some bolt cutters... ;) and give up a spare lock...
  17. 40north

    WTF pictures

    These fellas must be running to get more beer... (sorry if it seems political, that's not the idea, just ridin' like hell with the devil chasin' 'em)
  18. 40north


    MSDS> Insecticide fraction> Bees + Deltamethrin>
  19. 40north

    What book are you reading right now?

    Book, which I hesitate to bring up. A compilation of reports from western correspondents in Russia during the war, the war our fathers fought, not the one going on. Obviously this history is being "revised" in the western political arena - which is why I hesitate. But these are copies of the...
  20. 40north

    What book are you reading right now?

    see, speaking of frontier> I read an old copy from Sac State library, now it's in archive. There was also a california version, iirc.