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    new member here. I hope to get a lot out of this forum. Just picked up a 79 xs650

    I do have a question I live in North County San Diego, and I have not been able to find any motorcycle shows or clubs related to custom builds. A few Harley centered things pop up but nothing for innovative builders. I haven't run across any XS650 people either. S0....if anyone knows of anything...
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    Backfiring and rich

    Junk fuel/water sloshing around. Bad ground.
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    72 xs2 bogs down and backfires out of carbs, out of ideas

    OK Many do not know point gap is what you set for approximate dwell-not timing. Gap is maximum point opening when set. This is based on point lobe lift to point rubbing arm, which wears. After looking at timing with timing light, which could be completely wrong just based on point gap setting...
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    72 xs2 bogs down and backfires out of carbs, out of ideas

    Engine running-fast idle or so.. Turning with a wrench?-no Points?
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    72 xs2 bogs down and backfires out of carbs, out of ideas

    Try a timing light while the engine is spinning and key on. That was your first step. I will go from there. cliff
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    72 xs2 bogs down and backfires out of carbs, out of ideas

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    Interesting motorcycles, not XS650

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    Interesting motorcycles, not XS650

    ambiguous genitalia rare as pre-fabricated malleable amulyte
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    Choke seems to be working. So, what's the problem?
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    Mailbox Art

    Excellent topic!
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    painting carbs

    easiest or best? why are you asking for mate? which one? he/she/it asks easy spray bomb with cheapest without cleaning and etching best powder coat or cerakote
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    A tip from this forum saved my bacon at work.

    271 is ok 242 is nutz For myself, if threads cannot be distorted after assembly and alignment, I use goop, yes as seen on TV! Frickin shoe glue. It semi hardens on the threads to prevent rotation. It does not rigidly lock threads, so you can service. Usually just peen over end thread with...
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    A tip from this forum saved my bacon at work.

    That's why the thread end is distorted, to avoid loctite. Red 242 on throttle blade screws? That is nuts!
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    front end shake

    Bloody apes caused it,
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    Removal of unwanted chrome plating

    Let me know how that works out for you.☘️
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    A tip from this forum saved my bacon at work.

    3mm screw with loctite? NO!
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    Oil level and oil consumption.

    Yepper Higher oil level is higher splash and it overwhelms rings. extreme example is a 5.7 hemi for the jeep grand cherokee/durango on an nose up attitude, be it hill/driveway. especially starting, it smoked from oil burning front sump on these and when at an angle, the oil would flow to the...
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    "A Routine Training Mission"

    Still wondering when the divert from 01 to 33 was made and when the helo was contacted before and after the diversion. Hot shot helo pilot may have thought the path was clear after the plane passed veering right and up from 200'. Did the helo know of diversion of the plane towards his flight...
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    "A Routine Training Mission"

    Why did the plane divert to 33 from 1? cliff
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    Ultrasonic Cleaning Thread

    Just the U/S alone will heat the soup to 40°C or so. Using heater evaporates high ends of the solvent mix. Quiz: what is the best solvent? and guesses?