
  1. Toro

    Mikuni Carbs

    Can anyone help me figure out what size carbs I need for my 1972 xs2? I’ve been looking around and I want to go with a pair of Mikuni slide carbs. I’ve noticed there are a few different sizes, 32mm and 34mm being the ones I see the most and both say they would fit my engine. Thanks for any...
  2. Toro

    Splitting the cases

    I’m posting this in hopes to get some guidance on the matter at hand. I’ve disassembled the whole top end and am slowly getting to everything (boring and installing oversize pistons, checking head and valves for spec/lapping, new cam chain etc etc). The whole shebang. Anyways, while I have it...
  3. Colton

    XS650 Engine Parts Year Range

    So im building an XS650 engine, and was wondering if there was a website or list someone had to corelate a year range for parts specific to the engine. The crankcase is a 72 which I know is kicker only (EDIT: First year of electric), im just curious if I need to keep everything from the year...
  4. ekestle

    Sold / Found / Inactive - Tach

    Looking for 1970-1972 XS650 tach. Green and yellow indicators. At very good condition.
  5. Lickfold

    Help me with my Built dream project bike 1972 XS2650

    Hey Xs's dependant people i'm Lickfold 28 years young new member from Portugal and here's my project as detailed as i can so hopefully you wizards can think with me and help me achieve less wrenches and more km's ! -1972 XS2 650 - HISTORY-> It's been 3 years of a love affair... Scrapyard...
  6. Moodubs

    Well hello to you all

    Thanks for allowing me to join, I've just bought a 1972 Yamaha XS2 from New York. It was last registered on the road in June 1982 and has covered 21000 miles. She's now in North Wales having some much needed tlc. Quite a few parts needed, a lot can be saved. Over the next few weeks I'll be...
  7. Ash

    Engine casing bolts

    Hey, somehow managed to lose all my engine casing bolts. Looked on various websites which sell the 18pcs i seem to need but theyre all in America. Can anyone tell me what size all the different Alan bolts are for the engine casing so i can just pick some up for pennies instead of spending a fortune.
  8. J

    Wanted - Looking for a clutch basket for 1972 xs2 clutch hub and pressure plate

    Looking for a clutch hub and pressure plate for my 1972 xs650 xs2 306. Please let me know! I'm located in Bakersfield California
  9. 650Skull

    XS1-TX Headlight Bucket

    Picked this up years ago, thought it looked way better than the 74-83 buckets, and didn't realize it was from the early models until a thread on these early buckets came up a few months ago........Had a look, (in storage), and low and behold........ Had a squiz around ebay and saw another...
  10. iamunique127

    XS2 clutch pack question

    Hi all I’ve been a member here for some years but this may be the first thread I’ve started. The XS2 motor I’m working on has the original 6 clutch friction plates and they all measure the full thickness of new plates so I don’t see a need to replace them or update the clutch pack to a newer...
  11. nkymain485

    xs2 carbs and starting issues

    Have a 72 I have been building for what seems like 20 years. I'm ready to start it up finally but having a hell of a time trying to get it to run. Currently I have a pamco and Hughes PMA. Has spark and I'm fairly certain it is in time. I can spray ether in the inlet and get it to fire. I...
  12. eight0

    For Sale - 1972 XS2

    See Ebay Item Number 263784378696 for pictures For reluctant sale is my 1972 Yamaha XS2. I bought this over a year ago as a US import and had it registered for UK roads. As it is over 40 years old, it is tax exempt and with the new laws no longer needs an MOT however it does currently have a...
  13. joestratford92

    xs2 left control

    looking for a xs2 left hand control but cant find anywhere online. Also happy to use other than original if there are any suggestions?
  14. C

    For Sale - 1973 TX650 9200 miles

    1973 Yamaha XS650 (TX650/XS2B) Well maintained survivor, < 10k miles ASKING $4k but open to all offers! https://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/mcy/d/1973-yamaha-xs650-tx650-xs2b/6578948550.html
  15. 650Skull

    Gauge Repair/Refurbish-Yamaha XS/TX 70-83 Gauge Repair..........Honda 70/71 750/4-KO

    This thread covers all Yamaha XS650 Gauges from 1970 - 1984....... Honda 70/71 750/4 KO post #8 .....by WideAWAKE Parts Semantic 78-83 Specials 74-83 Bezel removal 1 This should be done on a soft surface so no damage will be done to the paint or metal ring. I used a folder that had a lot of...
  16. eight0

    Finally finished my XS2

    Well, I have finally finished my XS2.. (I say that but are we ever finished). I've fitted indicators and mirrors since taking these pictures as riding in London whilst holding your arms out isn't fun. the last picture what it looked like when I got it. .
  17. Mailman

    Mailman’s XS2 a full on restoration

    Edit: please note that this build has now been completed and I have added a reference at the bottom of the first post to help find specific parts of the build. Hello my friends, I’m sure many of you now know I am the proud new owner of a 1971 XS2. I have long admired the classic red and white...
  18. xs650LA

    No power over 3000RPM - Engine trouble - XS2 1972 XS650

    Here are the symptoms: idles fine, but when riding it does not feel powered. It runs but when above 3000RPM it just does not progress fast or almost at all. It slugs and it's slow... like it has little power and progresses too slow up the torque... The details: The carbs were cleaned...
  19. eight0

    XS2 master cylinder size

    Can someone help me identifying the front master cylinder I have on my XS2? underneath it has 2 5/8 2. The Outside diameter of the bowl is 50mm and the inner diameter is 45mm. I ordered a replacement cap and diaphragm that was supposed to be for my bike from Yambits but it was too small so I...
  20. eight0

    XS2 ridged brake line thread

    Hi All, I decided to replace the two line system with one single braided line. I have ordered a new brake line from Goodrige but the fitting they supplied doesn't fit. Firstly the adapter is convex on both ends and it needs to be concave to fit the ridged front line or the caliper. Also the...