‘76 xs500 Carburetor tuning (BS38’s)


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Haven’t been able to work on my bike that much lately since it’s been too humid outside. With that being said all the issues on my other threads may have been solved with what I fixed yesterday. My neighbor happened to have a carb balancing tool and he helped me work on doing that. We got the bike running and found that the one carb was about 2 psi (or whatever unit it is) off from being balanced. (Didn’t know 2 psi could cause that much of a difference) The carbs were then balanced and then we looked at the spark plugs to see how they looked and they were very black.

Since they’re fouled we knew the mixture was too rich. So we adjusted the air/fuel screw a little to see where we are at. So to lay some groundwork down the bike seemed to run very well and it just sounded like it should. The throttle response was very good (when opening the throttle at a normal rate) only thing was, when we opened the throttle quickly it would bog a little.

My question is, since the bike runs well at a normal throttle turn what would be the fix for getting it to respond just as good when I open the throttle quickly? My neighbor and I were thinking of changing the jet sizes a little bit but we’re not sure. The reason we think this is because of the bogging of course but also because my bike has a 2 into 1 exhaust which is aftermarket. The exhaust is supposed to be 2 into 2. On top of that I have the uni red air filters which were recommended by you guys just to let you know.

My neighbor kept saying those air filters are letting in a lot of air (implying it’s not restricted) so we should make the jets bigger. Finally we also thought maybe the jets should be bigger because the exhaust is a little more restrictive than the stock one. Does this exhaust issue call for bigger jets or no?