1970 XS1 prices


XS650 New Member
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I owned a 1970 XS1 in 1971.
The bike was similar to a Triumph Bonneville (my neighbor owned a Bonneville).
Thinking about buying a 1970 XS1.

Please verify these prices are correct.
#1 Concours condition $9400
#2 Excellent condition $6400
#3 Good condition $3800
#4 Fair condition $2000
Those I believe are current NADA values... not long ago they were in the neighborhood... but I've noted prices have fallen... A#1 is still worth the asking price.. to " restore " one is close to ten grand... chrome without the re-pop mufflers.. is near $2000.oo at our local " Bend Me Over Chrome Works ".. dealer... 😎
to restore one is close to ten grand...
$8000 for parts?
$2000 for chrome?

chrome without the re-pop mufflers.. is near $2000.oo at our local " Bend Me Over Chrome Works
Buy reproduction mufflers.
$2000 for chrome plating all other parts except mufflers?
Is the chrome plating to retain original parts or lack of reproduction parts?
With use of Mikes re-pop'd mufflers.. all the other chrome bits.... headers.. ( we bake them in a kiln prior to chrome work )... fenders.. fender stays... all the other various bits.... I checked into a small fender trim for a Vespa.... one shop wanted $350.oo..other shop $250.oo chrome is $$$$ we don't even mark up the chrome bill except for $20.oo for gas.... It's difficult to find good.. " show " ... original parts for the early units... Add three stage candies for the early 650's.. and we prep and seal all fuel tanks.... primer.... base coat.. white.. color... sealer...all in house... powder coat all the black bits... we farm that out .... Our latest project (photo) when home to a happy owner.. he took best in class in the first showing... We'er just two old guys (73-78) who enjoyed doing these.. but we have decided.... full blown restorations are very time consuming... it's a 100 mile round trip for me every time I put in a day... My projects are put on the back burner... So ,,, we'er going to continue with paint work...we do Xs paint for people around the country... local work... AMCA guys.... all original style... we don't do boobies or skulls... we got 3 Harley Sprints tanks waiting .... and others... early K900 tanks and covers .. If I had the time... it'd be interesting to visit Mikes Xs... click on everything you need for a restoration.... and hit the total button... I have a general idea... It's a hobby... it's suppose to be... fun .... and... it is... 😎


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