After playing with the old rings yesterday, spent much of this morning setting gaps on the new rings. Bit tedious filing them by hand but happy they're reasonably square n correct. Spec is quoted at .015 to .039 so I've set them all at .016 to .017, just to be sure they won't nip up. No photos coz there ain't much to show.
Then fun in the Sun making a base gasket
And ended that day like this
The piston circlips are those horrid wire ones - anybody know the trick for fitting 'em? I always struggle, scratch and scrape the piston, get annoyed with the circlip and meself in equal measure. And hope the effin thing gives up and pops into place before I give up. The humorous moment today - funny in hindsight - was second clip, being fitted in situ on the bike, made its bid to go into orbit. Found the little blighter under the table in the dark corner of the garage. Fitting the barrel quite easy, well, slightly easier than one-armed wallpaper-hanging, due to a generous lead-in in the cylinder base.
But from here on, it's onwards and upwards.
Then fun in the Sun making a base gasket
And ended that day like this
The piston circlips are those horrid wire ones - anybody know the trick for fitting 'em? I always struggle, scratch and scrape the piston, get annoyed with the circlip and meself in equal measure. And hope the effin thing gives up and pops into place before I give up. The humorous moment today - funny in hindsight - was second clip, being fitted in situ on the bike, made its bid to go into orbit. Found the little blighter under the table in the dark corner of the garage. Fitting the barrel quite easy, well, slightly easier than one-armed wallpaper-hanging, due to a generous lead-in in the cylinder base.
But from here on, it's onwards and upwards.
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