Did some odds an' ends to the top. Turns out the piston is almost pristine. Reason being it's .040" over, so this engine has had a top recently. Not even long enough ago for the carbon to stick to the crown... it all wiped off with a lacquer thinner wipe. And there is no score marks at all on the skirts. I'd be surprised if it had a hundred miles running on it. Anyway, polished it up with an SOS pad and measured it and the cylinder. Skirt clearance came out to exactly .002", dead on the minimum callout in the book. Being that new, was curious if the rings could be reused. Callout on the top 2 rings is .007" to .015"... pretty standard fare for a bore this size. Second ring gap was .011" about the middle of the tolerance. The top one... well, I don't really know. Threw feeler blades in there and quit adding 'em up at about .050". My guess is prolly about .075 or more end gap.... 10 times the nominal value.
I've seen this rodeo before. A guy that shouldn't own wrenches, decides to do his own top. Gets bigger piston and rings, gets it bored and starts slapping things together. Goes to install the rings and breaks one. Rather than get a new set of rings he jus' slaps an old one on there. "Close enough" he sez to no one in particular... and slaps it all back together. What with that and the wore out valve guides, prolly weren't a mosquito within 50 miles of his house.
New rings. The book allows for two oversizes, .010" and .020" over. that's it. And yet I hold a .040" over piston in my hands.
Looking online though, I can buy standard, 20 over, 40, 60 and 80 thou over. Odd huh? Anyway, I've got about 6 or 8 sources for BSA parts now. Everywhere was out of stock. Crap. Found a set of .080" over on Ebay. They'll file down jus' fine. Ordered and supposed to be here today. No joy on 'em today. Shipping now says Monday.
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This is a high compression engine. Iirc, somewhere around 9.5 or 10 to one. Which explains why they were little hot rods back in their day. That's a lot of compression for a big ol' thumper. And that meant they could be a bear to kick. My fake knee doesn't like the sound of that. There is a fix for that however, a compression reducing plate that sits under the cylinder. They're spendy though... a 2mm plate runs about 70 bucks. That gets you down to a hair over 8 to 1 compression. Perfect!
'Cept.... I spent the better part of my life bendin' and cuttin' aluminum on airplanes... I ain't payin' no 70 bucks.
Scrounged around and found some .070" sheet of 2024T3 that comes out to a shade over 2mm... perfect. Used the head gasket to rough it out, and set it on the bottom of the cylinder to mark out the final shape. Cut it, cleaned it up and it'll do just fine. Back to waitin' on the rings.
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