XS650 Enthusiast
Alright, just came back from a test start. The carbs both still dumped fuel out but I decided to start up anyway. I left the petcocks closed.
Started perfect, still had the same bog. I opened both petcocks and suddenly it would rev all the way up like normal, besides the fuel dumping on the ground. The bog was completely gone, I repeated this several times with the same results.
Does this mean it was a float bowl issue? I set the bowls to 19mm spec from the write up I posted, but I guess I will have to adjust them again. Do you set them lower when they flood out like that?
Started perfect, still had the same bog. I opened both petcocks and suddenly it would rev all the way up like normal, besides the fuel dumping on the ground. The bog was completely gone, I repeated this several times with the same results.
Does this mean it was a float bowl issue? I set the bowls to 19mm spec from the write up I posted, but I guess I will have to adjust them again. Do you set them lower when they flood out like that?