Here's some advice. If you're going to run LED's, DO NOT GET A PMA.
These guys know what they're talking about when it comes to the charging system. I do have a PMA/CDI system and learned the hard way about using LEDs. My stator fries and I had to switch out my fancy LED turn signal headlight with the stock one and add a 100/80w bulb to offset the 200W charging system. Many will tell you that you need to balance the consumption with the supply of watts. If you're consuming only 50-75 watts through LEDs, that leftover 125-150 watts is being sent to your reg/rect to shunt, which is heat.
If I could do it all over again, I would rewire the stock system with modern reg/rect and eliminate the extra stuff (headlight out warning, etc.) as said by the experts here, the stock system puts out what your bike consumes. If you're truly concerned about your battery dying, slap a solar panel on it. Lol