79’ 650 New Reg/Rec Causing Electrical Issues?

No, the timing marks shouldn't be there. The reference mark on the rotor looks correct, at about the 5 o'clock position from the magnet if the magnet is at 12 o'clock .....

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That leaves only the keyway and/or mounting. Maybe the keyway was machined in the wrong spot, or the rotor was mounted without the key in there.

As far as the reg-rec issues go, I'd say your new combined unit is bad. It's not uncommon. Most of those units are cheap, Chinese junk, even though they can cost quite a bit. Many of us "roll our own", so to speak, using an automotive regulator and a rectifier from the electronics world. Much cheaper and more reliable ......

I just pulled the stator last night. You were correct. The key was not there and exactly where the new timing marks were made lined up with where it would have been positioned if the key was there.
There is a lot of Chinese rubbish out there in the aftermarket for components like points, condensers etc.... I actually had brand new points and condensers that were bad. The issue I had was with the points not reliably closing again when opened. In the end I admitted defeat and converted to electronic ignition. Not saying that is what you should do but I'm very sceptical of a lot of the aftermarket spares out there. If your points are not new Yamaha parts, I'd be wondering about them. Hope that helps.
I might look into an electronic ignition but I just replaced my stator with a PMA. I’m gonna give it a shot. Especially since I butchered the old stators wiring harness to get it out.
So how is it running with points adjusted keep the points cover off look at the opening and closing
I didn’t start working on her until 9pm last night. I didn’t get the chance to button her back up and do a test. I will when I get home.
So how is it running with points adjusted keep the points cover off look at the opening and closing
Just a quick update before I switch threads. Changed the Stator to a PMA. The battery is charging real nice when I can get the bike started. At 1k rpms I still get a reading off my multimeter. Wiring and install was pretty easy. I lined up a new 20A fuse into the fuse box I installed where the old regulator was. Any wires in the harness that were used prior I either removed completely from the harness or capped off for possible later use. The used ground wire from the old stator I left floating for the time being. I didn’t use the mounting bracket that Mike supply’s for the reg/rec. All I did was stick a drill deep enough into the battery cage and placed new holes in the bottom and aligned the new reg/rec to fit in the original place. I had to use a hack saw to cut a small piece off the bottom of the cage so the reg/rec would fit evenly though. Yes, I checked the stability of the cage after and I filed down all corners so that there are no sharps hanging off.

As for the dead cylinder issue. A new thread is going to have to be started so that anyone else discussing the original issue doesn’t have to sort through multiple conversations. I stuck a socket of the crankshaft before starting it to make sure nothing was seized. It moved like soft butter. Regapped the points, charged the battery to full, and double checked the valves. Valves were way too tight. Adjusted that and gave the bike a start. It starts with choke on and throttle at 15%. Runs at 1k RPMs with choke off and and throttle at 15%. No more, no less. Anything slight movement in the throttle kills her. Both cylinders are firing off now finally but they get the occasional backfire into the carbs. Both cylinders reek like petrol. This is as far as I’m going to go on the topic on this thread.