I've studied the plans I posted a bit this afternoon... the credit for these plans is Not to me problem is I don't remember who posted them.
the bike stand is 24" wide and 18" high minus the 3/4" plywood table top ....
3# 2"x4"s and 1#2"x6" make up the frame Plus the plywood sheets to cover those areas.... the hinge is attached to the 2"x4" in the middle
and to the plywood table top.... 2# door hinges are used the folding ramp part also has hinges and is positioned so that it rests on the top of the 2x6 when tilted.....
the only problem I can see with this design is that it might be possible for the weight distribution to be off enough to have the hinged table top start to come down before the rear tire is on the table top properly ( i.e. still on the hinged ramp) if that occured the ramp would fold and the table top start tilting and you'ed be stuck with the bike half on and half off !
the cure would be to move the hinge of the table top a bit to the left and in so doing move the balance point of the bike being loaded to where the back tire gets on the table top before it pivots to the flat position. ( IF and only if that is a problem.....)
I have no idea what that Key-hole looking thing on the left is supposed to be,
it looks like it should work very well and have no need for an external ramp to get in the way...... just run it up the ramp and stop before going off the end..... a 2"x2" Bumper on the table top end would help stop over shooting the end !
it looks like you could just ride the bike up it and let it pivot on it's own and then get off and lock it down.
I suppose a person could reinforce the table top if the need is there..... remember the xs650 is a heavy machine and 3/4" plywood comes in various versions of strength so if flexing occurs of the plywood adding 2"x2" wheel guides on top of the table would help add strength and keep the plywood from flexing too much .
this Bike Bench would not be very easy to move around unless you added wheels to it and kept them to within 1/2" of the floor for the ramp's height considerations. that would involve a can of worms like stringer 2"x 4" along the side. raised from the bottom edge the height of the caster wheels minus 1/2" and then mount your wheels.
How about a metal one of these ?
.....if a person had the Diamond plate at hand and the tools to cut it, and weld, a steel one of these would be the cat's Meow ! use angle iron at the hinge point and your in like flynn ! adding a front wheel chock or "wheel catcher" might be a good idea as well.
thin diamond plate would definitely need support or it would bend so using 2" angle iron about 5" apart down the center would give the needed strength and be easy to add. this would also double as the center line for the bikes wheels to be in when loading. (the folding ramp wouldn't need it....just stop the 2" angle at the table top)
on full dress bikes that are super heavy you could also add a jack under the back part of the tilting table to help pivot the Loaded table. if it's needed....
There would be no need to cover the sides in plate just use angle iron for the frame work in what ever size you have the most of !
I would make sure each vertical support (added Legs on the left end and pivot point) has at least 2 supports from 90 degree directions for stability at the base.... and perhaps an "X" brace or 2 to help support the heavy weight without twisting or crushing the frame work.
one of those "X" supports at the far left end and one in the center under the hinge....
I think that would make a really nice shop bike stand /work table