Well, because some lessons in life stick awhile.Curious why you’re not a fan of the sintered pads?
Years ago I rode a 650 Seca . (Same calipers as 77 up XS’s) and worked in a bike shop.
EBC pads were always on hand on the rack in the parts department. Those were in every bike shop? While installing those the lead mechanic there who rode an FJ1200 gave me so much crap about those EBC sintered pads that I eventually took them back out and put in softer pads. Galfer if I remember.The improvement was definite.
He was right. He usually was.
Later on my own FJ1200 I wouldn’t buy EBC either. Never did again.
And if you think about it , how is sintered metal bits beneficial as a braking compound? It’s probably for wear resistance but seems to me like just more heat.
And I’ll never buy NAPA truck pads again either.
Live & Learn

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