, took in a 78' Xs... fellow did a top end.... starts.... but doesn't want to run pass idle.. too well... bangs and pops... owner said it got it up to 80 mph at one time... once in the shop... wouldn't start with the little black button or the size 10 wide Red Wings... Didn't even snort... so we pulled the carbs... owner said he rebuilt them.... replaced a butterfly.... we took them apart... ultra sounded them... found the floats off and the butterfly's not rolling on evenly.... installed... hit the little black button and it started straight away.... but it still banged and pop'd.... ran off choke.....did a few more adjustments... hit the starter... " bang " blew the left carb out of the manifold.... So... let's check the timing...points.... broke out the feelers... set by book.... we couldn't get the points set very well in relation to the rotor marks.... started the bike.... no change.... tossed on the timing light... the rotor mark is a 4 o'clock .. ! above the markings on the stator housing.... Rev the engine and it really doesn't move.... we moved the points plate and no change.... We asked the owner did he double check the timing marks on the cam... he's sure it's correct.... I suspect the " dot " is off on the cam.... I had to leave.... it's a 50 mile drive home... and I leave early to avoid the fender swapping during rush hour... instead I get a hit in the windshield.... just ducky... Told Mark to pull the plugs... set the timing marks at TDC.. remove points cam and see if the cam pin is at 12 o'clock....?