Cruzinimage Co Shipping Experience

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Saturday Jan 9th with a lot of help from Jim I got logged into the Cruzinimage site and ordered a set of piston rings and a clutch. Order was placed Jan 9th at 5:03 PM CST. At 6:55 PM I received a email from them stating that they had misfigured the shipping and they have refunded $5.10 to my PayPal account. At 6:57 PM I got another email thanking me for my purchase and gave me the FedEx tracking #. I figured it would be a couple of weeks so I never checked the tracking #. I got home this afternoon and Glenda said you got a package from FedEx. It`s on the hall tree. I read the label and for once I was totally speechless. Here`s the rundown.
Sat Jan 9th 6:18 PM Shipment info sent to FedEx
Wed Jan 13th 1:47 PM Picked up CHIBA -SHI JP
3:36 PM left FedEx origin facility CHIBA-SHI JP
10:30 PM in transit NARITA-SHI JP
Thur Jan 14th (Today) 255 AM in transit SENAN-SHI JP
3:01 AM in transit SENNAN-SHI JP
12:33 AM arrived at FedEx location Indianapolis, IN
1:05 AM International shipment release import Indianapolis, IN
4:47 AM depart FedEx location Indianapolis, IN
5:02 AM at destination sort facility Kansas City, MO.
8:14 AM at local FedEx facility Topeka, KS
8:16 AM on FedEx vehicle for delivery Topeka, KS
3:12 PM package delivered to recipient address Tecumseh, KS
What the Hell`s up with that? I know theres a lot of time zone difference but they should have lost it at least twice and when it finally arrives (2mounts later) the box has been torn open and half the stuff is missing. That`s usually the norm. Come on overnight from Japan to Tecumseh, Ks? I can`t even think that fast, and with no damage for only $15.00 shipping.:thumbsup: This experience has really raised the bar for me.:thumbsup:
BTW the products seem to be of a high quality and a very low price too. I`m not a gambler but this experience makes me think about buying my first lottery ticket.:yikes:
I think it was just one of those exceptional experiences where the stars and the moon aligned and you hit every light green! :)
When I was commuting to work, my morning routine involved me traveling from my house to this coffee shop that was about five miles away, every morning for coffee. There were a ton of traffic lights between my house and there.
If I hit all the lights red, it could take me 30 minutes to get there, but every once in a blue moon, I caught every light green and I could sail there in 5 minutes! That’s what I think happened to you. You caught every truck and plane just right, it arrived at every facility at exactly the most opportune moment. Serendipity baby! :laugh2:
Last set of rings I bought were from Cruzinimage. Same as yourself, I was expecting them to take a fortnight or more. Not a bit of it, they were on my doorstep in a week or less. I think it was about four days.
I'm shopping for a gasket set for the other GS engine, and Cruzinimage is on the short list for that.
I've been looking at their carb boots, too. Think I might take a chance on them as soon as they offer boots for the XJ900F. I'm sure some of the other boots they have will fit, but it's too much of a gamble to throw money down the drain if they don't.
The XJ uses BS34 and the flanges look the same hole fittings, so it's very tempting but there might be differing offsets.

Related to the hit-every-green-light shipping, I recently ordered some sparkplugs from the UK in the afternoon, and they were on my mat the following morning. Overnight shipping isn't all that remarkable (if you pay for it) but this was normal post and pure luck, given that post from the UK often takes a week and sometimes a fortnight.
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Last week I ordered a piston set and a gasket set from Cruzinimage. Like Halfmile I received emails telling me my order had been shipped and a $6.50 shipping refund to my Paypal account . Three and a half days later my parts arrived, Japan to Boston, amazing. The parts quality is great as it was in the past items that I purchased.....
Last week I ordered a piston set and a gasket set from Cruzinimage. Like Halfmile I received emails telling me my order had been shipped and a $6.50 shipping refund to my Paypal account . Three and a half days later my parts arrived, Japan to Boston, amazing. The parts quality is great as it was in the past items that I purchased.....
Japan to Boston is by jet. Boston to Memphis is by mule. Herein lies the difference.
I ordered yesterday. Let’s see what happens.

I received the above in less than eight hours from completing my order.
I ordered new forks from Niche Cycle Supply on the American east coast. Took 6 days to get here to OZ - exceptional. Incidentally, I just purchased some hard to get parts from Forum member AndersJ. He went out of his way to package and ship the items and his asking price was about 1/8 the shipping cost, which he paid up front - also exceptional.
The race is on Marty. I literally ordered mine 2 minutes before I posted.
I may have the advantage. I’m 30 minutes from FedEx Memphis hub.

I have noted several instances where it is faster to get parts from international sources than domestic. You can’t cross oceans with a truck. I expect gov’t trade agreements come into play, to affect what we pay. I recently bought several things to fix stuff around here. I can get stuff free shipping from China faster than from New Jersey.

Bottom line: At Cruzin Image, they aren’t wasting time getting stuff to their customers.
My package just delivered today. One week exactly from Japan to IN. They had a sale of 10% off and shipping was $25. All in all I am happy so far. Haven’t laid eyes on the product yet but will one I get home. But this thread is based on their shipping experience, so I will just leave comments regarding that. One more satisfied customer.