Has anyone ever removed exhaust pipe wrap?


Hardly a Guru
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Surprise Az
I’m just curious if pipe wrap causes irreversible damage to the finish of exhaust pipes. Every time I see a bike for sale with a wrapped exhaust, I always think to myself, “ that’s the first thing I’d remove”. But I wonder if that wrap doesn’t stain or otherwise mar the finish.
Anyone ever done it?

Yes I have, in most occasion it appear to me that it’s wrapped beachside it already looked like shit. So far never unwrapped one that could be cleaned off, if applied to a pipe with chrome or ceramic coat it may be possible to clean, providing that it was cleaned and dried proper before wrapping, wrapping tend to trap moisture and make irreversible damage to the coating.
Yes I have, in most occasion it appear to me that it’s wrapped beachside it already looked like shit. So far never unwrapped one that could be cleaned off, if applied to a pipe with chrome or ceramic coat it may be possible to clean, providing that it was cleaned and dried proper before wrapping, wrapping tend to trap moisture and make irreversible damage to the coating.

Yeah, that kinda confirms my suspicions.
On single skin pipes you may well find the steel has cracks like crazy paving underneath the wrap. The wrap causes the pipe to run much hotter. That causes the steel to crack. The only use I can think of where wrap is justified on a motorcycle header is to hide damage.

Generally, I would only buy the motorcycle if the seller demonstrated the pipe unwrapped. Or if the price was reduced by the cost of new header pipes.