Headlight help


XS650 Member
Reaction score
Washington State
Hey guys. I am on the last leg of my xs build. I put a hhb complete cdi system and a key from tcbros. Bike runs well and shuts off as usual (through the key). I am not running a battery (kickstart and capacitor instead) I am trying to figure out the headlight/tail light and can’t seem to find power through the key like the wiring diagrams show. I tested the headlight on the battery in my pickup so I know that it’s not burnt out, but I am scratching my head on this. Any suggestions or things I can try?
What wiring diagram did you use?
A pic of the diagram would be helpful.
A basic diagram just substitute your capacitor where diagram shows Battery.

very basic diagram.jpg

The important concept is that this system has TWO completely separate parts. One ONLY makes ignition, the other provides all the other electrical needs for the bike. The ignition is turned on/off by use of a ground lead, (cut off wiring) here. Ground that lead and no spark, The grounding is usually done by a relay powered by the "lighting coil side" of the PMA
one page from hughes book
from hughes install book.jpg

A hand drawn diagram from this thread.
Put your Cap where diagram shows battery.
hughes CDI  mebby.jpg

Are you using a relay?
The Vape system is near identical
wiring diagram from the Vape thread.
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Hi Picking this thread up. What was your solution? Even if it's a newb error always share the results for future newbs. ;)

On that note, I am having a time with my wiring. I have the same setup, CDI PMA kit, headlight and tail light. The motor will fire up with no capacitor or power source plugged in. The kill switch on the coil works fine for now. Unfortunately that opens the bike up to easy theft.

I have a key switch plugged in from a fuse box - just like the above hand drawn image. However, it does nothing. The bike can still fire up and the lights do not work. If I plug in a 12v battery the lights work normally. The system is wired correctly I assume. SO my question is, why come no light power when i put the bike back to a Capacitor? Shouldn't the reg/rec send power back to the capacitor to power the lights?

Also, my multimeter will not work around the PMA system. If it comes even a 2ft from the running bike it freezes up! Is there magnetic field causing it to bug out!?! Or does this mean the Reg/Rec ground is not good enough and needs to be patched in a different location?

Open to thoughts.