help bring this back to life


XS650 New Member
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I built this years and years ago. It's been sitting for a few years. Last time i messed with it was when I rewired the whole bike. It ran for a little bit but died and it got tucked away. it has pamco with e advance Blue box and the banshee charging system I can't remember from where I think HHB. currently I got no spark. the coil which was mounted in the faux oil tank had bubbled up on one side of the grounding bar. It was a poorly designed ground solution for the coil. I got a new coil and still no spark. Any ways I'm wanting to ditch the pamco and e-advance. what are your thoughts on going back to points and what will I have to buy? I know the pamco isn't made anymore and I bought one of the original units so It may be faulty now. I see some new ignition systems out there now but not sure about what to do. just want it to be simple and reliable. I will be mounting the coil to the frame from here on out. The coil was mounted to a plate which was mounted inside the oil tank but the tank was rubber mounted so pretty sure that didn't help my ignition any. I kinda remember the pamco being sensitive in the relationship with the coil so I may have cooked it. any advice would be helpful ty.
Personally I wouldn't go back to points ignition. Yamaha points and condensers are expensive and third party stuff can be often be Chinese junk. I had a set of points and a condenser both bad despite being new (Chinese) parts. When I added up the cost of Yamaha parts in the UK it was almost as much as a Boyer Bransden kit cost and the BB kit is a complete new ignition system. I am not saying there's anything wrong in going to points ignition. Personal experience for me here in the UK, it didn't make sense.