Heritage Specials

Love it or hate it, it’s the best dressed XS650 of any of them. The ugly part of the frame is covered, handlebar clamps are covered, remote choke, TCI ignition. You also got extra spokes.
That is if it still has the unobtainable lower cover! ;) The remote choke is handy and you get to clean (almost) twice as many spokes! The "650" detailed ignition covers are nice too! Seems to be a very popular model with plenty of them about, most still looking original.
I like the mag wheel version better than the crazy gazillion spoke model
I converted mine just because it’s easier to maintain. The double spokes are pretty, IMHO.
There are a lot of very pretty bikes on the market these days. Royal Enfield is doing interesting variations of their 650 twin.
I like the black fenders and front forks, turn signals and gauges. Ya got to love em!


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What would be the main differences between a Heritage Special and say an '81 Special ll ?
Running and driving, they are the same. There is a hefty list of cosmetic differences. Also, which Heritage? The ‘82 is trimmed in black. The ‘83 wears a lot of chrome.
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Thought i had seen your bike before. Over on the Facebook XS650 parts group i gave this answer to your question 1 week ago. That other guy that posted doesn't have any idea

"US models changed from mag wheels to spoke wheel in 82 and 83 and called them Heritage Specials. 82 was the black chrome model and changed back to silver chrome in 83. Canada didn't have a spoke wheel models in 82/83, (still Called Heritage Specials),, or the black chrome model. .............they retained the mag wheels with a drum brake on the rear mag. Canadian models were the 5V5 Vin and they sold them, 82, (5v5-00), 83, (5V5-03), and 84, (5V5-04) and sold the left over stock up to 86..........check out the link i posted above. Does not include the Canadian models"

Tiggertoo has posted the link
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My 82'.... bought one new back in the day.... Yamaha I'm told is credited with starting the " cruiser " look. (1978) Everyone hated the buckhorn handlebars.... I've noticed it doesn't handle as well as the later series Standards... perhaps because the laid back 16 inch tire... as you enter a corner with a head of steam and if you hit the brakes it wanted to stand up and head straight.... didn't want to stay in the lean... curve... at east mine does.... Dropping the rear sprocket to a 32 removed that " buzzineess " felt at 65 mph... I thought the bike didn't v i b r a t e ..... as much with the change of sprocket. It's a good touring machine... for state and regional roads.... Not so for the interstates... you'll get a Peterbilt enema .... If you're following your buddy on his Fz750 across Montana at 75mph... the gas tank doesn't last long.... and if you happen to be in that area...look for my license plate... it vibrated off somewhere near Lame Deer.... the old Vetter QuickSilver faring was a good choice... with mono radio !.... highway bar, captain swivel for my soda... backrest... rack for camping gear.... I'm currently restoring my 82' ... I already have more into it than I did buying it off the showroom floor... of course that's how the " game " is played... and I knew going in for every dollar I spend... I'd be lucky to get back thirty cents... That's ok... I like it.. wife likes it .... we head over to Wisconsin to our favorite greasy spoon along the Muddy Miss.... and yes.... kept the buckhorns... 😎


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Everyone hated the buckhorn handlebars....
When asked how I ride with those “stupid” handlebars I usually answer, “Just try to keep up.”
I decided just recently that I don’t need a garage full of Specials with the same bars on them. Two are now fitted with 8” rise bars. Each with different bend. One 70s Triumph and the other a mini ape. All good. More room for my long arms.
Lots of people like buckhorn bars. YouTuber Freddie Dobbs said recently “I love buckhorn bars!” The Yamaha Special bars are just very long. Very long.