Input on Charging Numbers


XS650 Enthusiast
Reaction score
Athens, GA
Hey there,
Beautiful weather where I am, but I can only see it from the garage. Hopefully you all are out there riding!

So, set out to replace some oil seals and have dived into more.

I replace a dead battery and the new goes flat quickly while was out riding a few weeks later. Figured parasitic draw or charging system. Multimeter on battery terminals, revved to 2000 rpm and the bike charged slowly .01 volts at a time; interestingly when I revved higher, the multimeter voltages wildly fluctuated everywhere across the map 2 volts one millisecond to 20 volts the next. Thought maybe increased revved vibrations were affecting the readings or regulator was at fault (but what do I know I says to myself) Regardless charging poor

Slap test - Fail
Stator off, multimeter on wires - Passed resistance tests
Rotor Slip rings - roughly 2 Ohm resistance on one multimeter AND wild fluctuations upwards of 200 Ohm on a 2nd multimeter that is brand new. Tested anywhere on rings. Sounds familiar - this occurs with regulator/rectifier unplugged. Is this simply indicative of a shorted rotor? Strange two multimeters are affected differently, 1st with 200ohm range and 2nd with 400 ohm minimum range

Are my rings too dirty possibly?

Rectifier unplugged and tested. Two pictures attached below. My numbers are the same, but everything is the opposite. Meaning when use opposite multimeter Red/Black cables to what is shown, I get the same data across the board. I have seen someone diagnose their charging system and get the same results as mine (opposite multimeter leads as the book with respectful flipped continuity readings) - their bike seemed to charge fine.

So, am I getting acceptable numbers even still?


I'm under the impression that the rotor needs to be serviced.
Do any of you have sneaking suspicions of the regulator being on the fritz as well? Haven't tested the green or brown wires or tested voltages to brushes. Not entirely sure how to jump the green wire to ground - the concept makes sense but in practice I'm not sure. any advice on this would also be appreciated!

now for the creme de la creme question - this is a combined regulator/rectifier correct?

Okay thanks for listening, I look forward to any input. And Jim, if you're reading this, I may be speaking with you soon about a rotor rewinding. Have the rotor puller from MikeXS, delivered today!


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Rotor Slip rings - roughly 2 Ohm resistance on one multimeter AND wild fluctuations upwards of 200 Ohm on a 2nd multimeter that is brand new. Tested anywhere on rings.

If it's wildly fluctuating then I suspect you got a bad meter.
2Ω is bad. PM me if you want it rewound.

My numbers are the same, but everything is the opposite. Meaning when use opposite multimeter Red/Black cables to what is shown, I get the same data across the board.
Possibly a polarity issue with your meter. As long as you're getting an open one way across the diodes and continuity the other way, don't worry about it.... your rectifier is likely fine.

this is a combined regulator/rectifier correct?

Yes... looks like the factory reg/rec for an '80 and up bike.