Intake boot leak that won’t stay away


XS650 Member
Reaction score
1979 special with bs38 and pods
I’ve gotten new oem boots off of eBay and oem gaskets
Fully installed no issue with a bracket to support the carbs from moving once on the bike. On install I did the spray test while running and no change in rpm. Go for a ride and when I get back they are both leaking again. Redid the whole process with gasket sealant and exact same results. No issue initially then after 10 minute ride I’m leaking again. Any ideas?

I now have a set of JBM industries boots, clamps, and gaskets along with non vacuum petcocks (to work with their boots) on the way. Any tips would be greatly appreciated
1979 special with bs38 and pods
I’ve gotten new oem boots off of eBay and oem gaskets
Fully installed no issue with a bracket to support the carbs from moving once on the bike. On install I did the spray test while running and no change in rpm. Go for a ride and when I get back they are both leaking again. Redid the whole process with gasket sealant and exact same results. No issue initially then after 10 minute ride I’m leaking again. Any ideas?

I now have a set of JBM industries boots, clamps, and gaskets along with non vacuum petcocks (to work with their boots) on the way. Any tips would be greatly appreciated

I would check the screws holding the flange against the cylinder so they are tightened to spec
And of course other clamps
Myself would use some sealant both sides of gasket If not solved but others here disagree on that part

Straw on spray test hot ?
Originally my right cylinder was running lean when I first got it running. Fully cleaned the carbs and inspected them thoroughly and on reinstall noticed the boot on the right had a crack. And then the left one wouldn’t seal around the carb body after that. Seemed they were on the way out
Got pics of your set-up? I’ve had leaky boots from cracks and bad clamp ends but I can’t say I ever had one leak by the gaskets.
I don’t it’s all torn back apart now waiting on the new boots from jbm. But it’s bs38s, oem boots with the barbs, oem gaskets, and I used oem style clamps and I also tried hose style clamps that had sleeves in them. Spray test with the straw gave me only leaks from between the boots and the engine.

I have new non vacuum petcocks also for the new boots with no barbs
Question are the metal shroud pieces that go over the boots necessary? This bike didn’t have them when I got it but I was thinking getting a used set to help if I needed them