Is it my turn? Anything to do with lathes, mills and other shop tools

I did get a chance to soak some of the grottyier parts in Evapo-Rust. That shit is amazing! I never could bring myself to fork over the $30/gallon but I had $20 in credits at Tractor Supply so I figured what the hell, why not?

I have a feeling there's more of that stuff in my future...
Evapo-Rust is amazing.

Been my experience the rustolium version works abut as well.

View attachment 339575

Been my experience the rustolium version works abut as well.

View attachment 339576
As you said about as well. I've been using Evapo-Rust for 5 plus years it's always done a good job for me. Like anything it has its limitations.
For me it's very reasonable priced. It's sold at HF now. My Girlfriend works there. If I need a gallon she brings one home. All it costs me is putting a smile on her face before she goes to sleep. :rolleyes:
Having some experience with rust removal, some notes:

1. I suspect Evapo-Rust works best on clean (no oil/grease/scale) objects with surface rust. It was perfect for cleaning up lathe parts. The advantage here is quick cleanup and no blackening/coating.

2. Similar to #1, the various sorts of gel-type phosphoric acid-based stuff (I like Rustoleum's product) are better for heavier rust, large objects that can't be conveniently immersed and things you want to clean up in place.

3. Removal of grease and scale is important in ANY de-rusting procedure. Thorough clean up and flash rusting prevention is also key.

4. Electrolysis works well and is the most economical: Water and washing soda. One is free and a lifetime supply of the other is about $5. Downside is it takes longer and is messier.
Wut he sed.
aaaand lol
Acetone rinses before and after the rust busting. Before cuts, removes oil and grease, after gets rid of the rust buster residue, and gets rid of water, dramatically reducing flash rust.
Rust buster does tend to leave a sticky residue, mebby molasses?
I find heat is your friend, speeds up the processes I have a 100 watt? 110 volt element plugged into an adjustable thermostat that has a wired remote thermo probe.
Really helps specially as the rust buster nears end of life.

I have "issues" with disposal of dead rustbuster, don't have city sewer to pour it into.... By the time its used up its pretty nasty with contaminates.🤷‍♂️

Finished up de-rusting various pieces, disassembled, cleaned, lubed and reassembled the 4 jaw chuck, milled down the shoe of my QCTP to fit the slot on the Atlas, adjusted all my tool holders to be on center, got 90% of the tooling sorted and stored (rather than piled into whichever drawer was emptiest as the PO did) and did a couple of test cuts just because.

Next up is to clean and lube the lathe overall and get it roughly leveled while I'm waiting for my Fee Bay "precision" level.
View attachment 339620

Finished up de-rusting various pieces, disassembled, cleaned, lubed and reassembled the 4 jaw chuck, milled down the shoe of my QCTP to fit the slot on the Atlas, adjusted all my tool holders to be on center, got 90% of the tooling sorted and stored (rather than piled into whichever drawer was emptiest as the PO did) and did a couple of test cuts just because.

Next up is to clean and lube the lathe overall and get it roughly leveled while I'm waiting for my Fee Bay "precision" level.
Lots to like in this picture: tidy shop space, nice new (well, new to DE) lathe, lots of outlets, surface-mounted wiring in conduit, toolbox base with useful space, peg board for C-clamp storage, rubber mats for foot fatigue, (what I assume to be) a big ol' bag of ZEP dust control stuff, lots of lighting... Looks like you're running a tight ship there, DE!
Thanks, @atom4488 and you're right on all accounts, except maybe the "tight ship" :laugh2:. You caught me right after a semi-major cleanup.

The shop is only 20x24 and there's a LOT of stuff in there, so organization is pretty much mandatory.

Details on the build and layout here if you're interested. I actually gained a little room with the new lathe as it's about half the size of the old one.
Thanks, @atom4488 and you're right on all accounts, except maybe the "tight ship" :laugh2:. You caught me right after a semi-major cleanup.

The shop is only 20x24 and there's a LOT of stuff in there, so organization is pretty much mandatory.

Details on the build and layout here if you're interested. I actually gained a little room with the new lathe as it's about half the size of the old one.
I have the same sort of dilemma; small shop, too much stuff. As the saying goes, "ya can't stuff 10lbs in a 5lb bag!" When I built my current garage, I was budget-restricted and so only built 24' x 28'. I would really like to have a proper 3-bay garage, with a minimum bay depth of 30' or so and bays 16' wide. Oh boy, that's 48' x 30' !!! Probably not happening for me 😢 !
Wut he sed.
aaaand lol
Acetone rinses before and after the rust busting. Before cuts, removes oil and grease, after gets rid of the rust buster residue, and gets rid of water, dramatically reducing flash rust.
Rust buster does tend to leave a sticky residue, mebby molasses?
I find heat is your friend, speeds up the processes I have a 100 watt? 110 volt element plugged into an adjustable thermostat that has a wired remote thermo probe.
View attachment 339610
Really helps specially as the rust buster nears end of life.

I have "issues" with disposal of dead rustbuster, don't have city sewer to pour it into.... By the time its used up its pretty nasty with contaminates.🤷‍♂️
@gggGary where did you get the heater. I was looking for one last fall.
I have the same sort of dilemma; small shop, too much stuff. As the saying goes, "ya can't stuff 10lbs in a 5lb bag!" When I built my current garage, I was budget-restricted and so only built 24' x 28'. I would really like to have a proper 3-bay garage, with a minimum bay depth of 30' or so and bays 16' wide. Oh boy, that's 48' x 30' !!! Probably not happening for me 😢 !

It's full...
House has 1 double garage, 1 single garage, there's also a separate double garage, and in back a 22' x 30' metal carport with 2 sides closed, and behind it a 10 x 12 shed
They're all full :(
As life goes on, I “try” to buy less and purge more. My storage and work space is barely adequate. Some say if you haven’t used it in one year, get rid of it. I’m working towards that, but am currently at - “if I haven’t used it in 20 years….”😀
Yeah, I just looked at my passport, next to Nation it reads Republic of Procrasta.
It's on the map surrounded by the Nations of Damn, Tarn and Abomi
When we moved to Mississippi, we filled a new house with crap. After a few weeks in the new house I wanted to burn it down. We hired someone to help us get the shit paired down to the stuff we really wanted. That was money well spent.

I’m not suggesting hiring someone, but in the case of me and my wife, it was the only way. We’re like two drunks trying to help each other cross a busy street.
Till I was 30 I could carry everything I owned in the bed of my pickup truck. Then I got married to my late wife and every time I turned around there was other peoples stuff ending up in our garage, first when her mother passed, then one of her brothers got divorced and moved in for a bit, children coming and going, and always stuff seemed to get left behind.
Then for a while we had two residences, one in GA and one in coastal AL, and when we sold it we consolidated two households in one larger house, but it had no storage.
Then she passed and I know longer needed the "living" space so moved into a rental with unfinished basement and over time started letting extra furniture go, but held on to much of her things because I couldn't bring myself to go through it. Her oldest brother who lived on the remaining property I still owned in "LA" (lower Alabama) passed a few months before she did so still had all his stuff there. I gave much of it to his only son and various of his friends but ended up carting much of it home when I sold the property.
I have since remarried and of course my new wife has her own stuff that had to be absorbed and since then both of our parents have passed and added to our burden.
I've been working of late to sort, red-out, give away, sell, trash and generally reduce what we have but it's not easy.