Itchy Boots Fan Boi's (Spoilers Ahead)

Through Amenia, Azerbaijan to cross the caption sea to Kazakhstan.

Netherlands are high on the export list.

Stable country.

Would she try to get through to India. Getting close to Afghanistan. Would have to go through predominantly Muslim countries.

They check out as travel friendly. Uzbekistan, (stay away from Turkmenistan boarder, travel warnings for that country) kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,

Can see the bike suiting Kazakhstan terrain sandy areas. The geology of the country will be interesting to see with her drone.
Border with Armenia is closed. I assume she’ll avoid Syria and Iraq. So, she’s either heading to Georgia or straight into Iran.
My :twocents:
Iirc, she went into Iran in her first season. Damned if I know where she's figurin'. Seasons say south. Beyond that, I'm stumped.
She can visit Noah's arc on Mount Ararat, Turkey. Google earth.
noahs arc.png
Her travels have largely been driven by the seasons. Right now she's in the Northern Hemisphere. You can't ride a bike through a mountain pass in fall/winter with 5ft of snow on the ground at 0°c. You just can't. I might be wrong, but it doesn't look to me like mountainous terrain is in her plans for this ride. Not for this time of year.
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