Front Brakes... Done.
Didn't get any pics of in progress work, but I treated the calipers the same as the master cyl.... bead blast, VHT paint, oven... all that good stuff. Seals were all good so I reused them. Piston had very minor pitting so I elected to reuse it (fingers crossed). The PO had put new pads in to try to get the brakes working, so I reused them.
If you've never used Gary's bleeding method, you don't know what you're missing. I filled the caliper and line with fluid, then carefully pushed the piston into the caliper. Loosened the master and adjusted it 'till it was pointing downhill and connected the line....
Set the caliper on a stool with the banjo fitting pointing straight up, then started gently pushing the piston in....
Pushing the piston in forces the air up and out of the reservoir. Add a little fluid and pumped the piston back out.... pushed it back in.... rinse and repeat as necessary 'till the air bubbles stop coming out the reservoir. Adjust everything to it's proper position, topped off the fluid and screwed on the cap... and we now have a good firm brake lever.
Guess the rear's gotta wait for parts.....