XS650 Addict
Years ago, I developed this simple solution for my personal use. It's a neoprene "keysleeve" that keeps your keys safe and protects the polished metal/plastic/painted surface around the ignition switch pristine. I've decided to make a bunch of these and see if there is any interest.
The pricing is as follows (shipping included—US only):
1 keysleeve – $ 7.00
2 keysleeves – $13.00
3 keysleeves – $18.00
* Each additional keysleeve add $5.00 per each.
Accepting PayPal at this time.
Send payment to: johnryan6006@yahoo.com
In the "What's this payment for?" section, please type in your name and mailing address.
For shipments to Canada: Please add $10.00 to your purchase of 1, 2, or 3 keysleeves.
(It's $4.80 to ship 3 items in the U.S. and $14.85 to Canada.) According to the USPS, it's going to cost the same whether I mail one, two, or three keysleeves.
Thank you!
Years ago, I developed this simple solution for my personal use. It's a neoprene "keysleeve" that keeps your keys safe and protects the polished metal/plastic/painted surface around the ignition switch pristine. I've decided to make a bunch of these and see if there is any interest.
The pricing is as follows (shipping included—US only):
1 keysleeve – $ 7.00
2 keysleeves – $13.00
3 keysleeves – $18.00
* Each additional keysleeve add $5.00 per each.
Accepting PayPal at this time.
Send payment to: johnryan6006@yahoo.com
In the "What's this payment for?" section, please type in your name and mailing address.
For shipments to Canada: Please add $10.00 to your purchase of 1, 2, or 3 keysleeves.
(It's $4.80 to ship 3 items in the U.S. and $14.85 to Canada.) According to the USPS, it's going to cost the same whether I mail one, two, or three keysleeves.
Thank you!
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