XS650 Addict
wellwell well after going through my head questioning whether or not I should go in the engine finally got around to it. I believe my piston rings are shot considering the numbers I get with dry and wet compression test. So my goal is to switch them out. Some questions I have are what else should I replace since I alreadyhave the engine out? (Besides piston rings and gaskets)What gasket set is best for my tx650? The bolt that holds in the oil delivery tube broke what do I do, the tube is fine itself it's just the bolt do I need to get a whole new setup or can I just jb weld it together or
And lastly how do I take out this freaking ring nut out. The manual says just use a hammer and punch to get it out but it doesn't seem to work it just sort of crushes it and I don't want to ruin it more than it is in the process. Ive also sprayed with WD to loosenitup and nada..yet, any help is appreciated thanks dudes