Now for the bad news! Haha. Was out ripping around having a blast test riding before I start trusting it to get back and forth to work. Anyways, I round a corner, give it some throttle, up around 40mph. Then, hear a loud bang and the rear wheel locks REALLY locked up! I skid to stop, thankful I wasn't in the previous corner when it happened. Drag the bike with a locked up wheel off the road and start my assessment of what just soiled my pants. The rear drum was stuck engaged, the engine couldn't budge it, had to call the wife to bring me a hammer, a few taps on the actuator lever at the drum finally freed it up, but she's making as gawd awful squeal back there now. It'll be interesting to see what failed when I get some more shop time. Sorry for the long story but nobody else seems to care about my old bike other you fellas! Hahah, cheers!