Hi, I just picked up an 82 xs650 heritage special a couple of days ago for 250 bucks. It is beat to hell and needs a ton of work. I made sure to try the kick starter for compression before I took it home and it has compression. I tested it at home with a new battery in and I have 145 on the right cylinder and a little bit over 150 on the left cylinder. So that is promising. I am kind of shocked seeing how the last time this thing was plated was in 96'. So, I already tore apart the carbs and cleaned the hell out of everything on the inside and replaced all o-rings, made sure float needles were sealing and they are. Set float levels. Heres my issue, the headlight does not work, push button start does not work, starter makes some pretty terrible noises. (I jumped the solenoid with a screwdriver to see if it would start). I have no spark. Horn doesn't work. I tested the headlight on my car battery and it works on both high beam and lo beam so this is definitely an electrical issue on the bike. It has an aftermarket accel coil on there which I presume to be good but it is old as well. I got new plugs and wires, and oil change. Oil was clean with no metal flakes or chips of any sort. From what I could see through the spark plug hole, the cylinders looked very smooth with no scoring. So, I have noticed a lot of people speaking about replacing ignition systems on these bikes. Is that only for the older ones? And does anybody have any tips on where to start that may shorten my guess work. I plan on studying the colored wiring diagram that I found on here before I jump into anything. Well, after stalking around this forum for the last week, just wanted to say hi and ask my first questions. Will be many more im sure.