The very last of the 750s. They became 800s after that. Looks like the tang is broken off the centerstand, very common. The tang on that stand is only for raising and lowering the stand. You're not supposed to step on it to put the bike up on the stand like with most Jap bikes. Instead, there's a pad on the back of the left stand leg to step on. But people not familiar with BMWs and coming from a Jap bike don't know this. So they step on the tang and it breaks off, lol. Very common, like I said. I've needed to fix several.
Also, the passenger pegs are missing. Even though I rarely carry a passenger, those pegs are great to have on a BMW. This is the only bike I've ever encountered that you can "straddle" them and the driver pegs (toe on driver peg, heel on passenger peg), sort of like a floorboard. This is very nice when traveling as it gives you another position to move your feet to while riding.