Next Project: 1973 TX650

What if I had a seal that was about 1mm more on the outside dia. The forks are 34mm dia. I need a seal about 47mm x 34mm. Does anyone know any years 650 specs on the later 34mm inside dia and about 47 outside. When did they go to 36 dia forks?

Not sure I get it
But as I Understand it it is a 73 that have mounts for disc on both sides .But the left lower leg is Unknown possibly a 750

Firstly that 750 can have a seal that can be Bought perhaps and fit

But it was some time since last ---But this is a sealing problem that exists in Hydraulics A Chromed pipe and Oil in the lower part
These seals Are sold for Industrial applications and Even if Yamaha are a big Company their designer are likely to design so a standard seal will fit
As with screws those are bought from the Companies experts on that,

Cannot say for certain here .But I would be surprised if a major Industrial supplier does not have one or can get one : Often much cheaper than Yamaha seals
Explaining the measurements and Chemical so the right quality " Rubber " is supplied
So it looks like I have the wrong lower. Anyone have the correct left lower?
when the temps get back above zero tomorrow I'll browse the SOIR for yah.
I've got a RH lower on the bench right now.
I THINK it might be tricky to tell for sure what year a 34mm LH lower fits....
@DogBunny anyone else know of any tells tween 73 to 75?
Made the trek out to arctic hell (SOIR)
not much joy;
the bucket O' lowers was all 35mm
Only thing 34mm is a complete set from a 74-76?
@DogBunny anyone else know of any tells tween 73 to 75?
The tell is the placement of the fender strut mounting tabs on the bottom of the lower leg. 73 tabs are placed lower down the leg (closer to axle). You can see this in the fiches. Shape of the mounting tabs is a little different too.
The differing placement of the tabs is a big part of the reason why the fenders don't interchange from 73 to 74-76.

Putting a 34mm stanchion in a 35 mm fork lower, as your previous owner did, is super skeezy.
It’s odd that Partzilla has the seals for the 650 and the 750 as the same. 584-23145-50-00
We've seen many Partzilla errors especially around the TX650
Partzilla also got it right, you just looked it up wrong. They show the 73 TX750 seal as 341-23145-51-00, different from the 73 TX650.
The tell is the placement of the fender strut mounting tabs on the bottom of the lower leg. 73 tabs are placed lower down the leg (closer to axle). You can see this in the fiches. Shape of the mounting tabs is a little different too.
The differing placement of the tabs is a big part of the reason why the fenders don't interchange from 73 to 74-76.
The fender mounts are lower on 72 fork legs. I think 73-76 mounts are in the same position. I put a 75 fender on 73 fork legs. I had to use 75 stays not because of a difference in lengths but because on the shape of the fender. 73 fenders are rounder than 75 fenders.
Below is a pic of a 75 fender on 73 fork legs.

Same bike with 73 fender and stays.
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The fender mounts are lower on 72 fork legs. I think 73-76 mounts are in the same position. I put a 75 fender on 73 fork legs. I had to use 75 stays not because of a difference in lengths but because on the shape of the fender. 73 fenders are rounder than 75 fenders.
Below is a pic of a 75 fender on 73 fork legs.

Same bike with 73 fender and stays.
You are right. Not sure what the difference is between 73 and 74-75 forks. (76 forks are easy to tell because they moved the caliper to behind the tube.)