After a good nights sleep, I got to thinking about the trick of squirting a little oil in the cylinder to see if the compression would come up. It did, which confirms it could use a ring job. But with the new compression reading, it was up to 110 lbs. Not great but not as terrible as it was, and it didn't leak down as I thought it might. I figured that may be enough of an improvement to get that cylinder to fire, and it was. I was able to set the idle mixture on both carbs using the dead cylinder method and it didn't run too bad - well at least as good as it sounded last summer. Now having said that, it's raining in Ole St Louie, so can't give it a proper road test, but I was wondering if I could possibly get another summer out of it before rebuilding maybe over the winter??? I wonder if spraying all of that starting fluid trying to get it to start with my other issues, maybe it washed out the cylinder to the point it wasn't getting enough of a seal at the rings to make the necessary compression. Maybe wishful thinking but worth the question - any thoughts on that, or any tricks to get some more ride time out of this thing before a rebuild?