Spring Special Project
MaxPete and I took a ride to the big smoke (Ontario's) last month and I bought two Standard projects and this rusty Special. Anything shiny in the pic is simply PB Blaster overspray!
Built January of '78, it came with a complete numbers matching motor (fwtw) which turns over, a rear fender, an ok tank and a few other bits. Lacks almost everything else, but I have most of what's needed.
Seller had no title, so I followed Service Ontario guide lines, prepared my affidavit, then got a knowledgeable clerk at the Licence Bureau and obtained a clear title to it so I can start work on it anytime.
Since it has suffered almost every indignity except for the sting of the sawszall, my plan is to redo it with my spare stock parts. Clean and paint the frame and install the motor to get it fired to see what I have purchased. If it is serviceable then I will carry on.
Progress pictures will follow.

(Spring bulbs courtesy of Mrs. Lakeview)
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