Plumbing in oil cooler, options?


XS650 Junkie
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What does this look like on other side? How does it connect to exit side of oil pump?
I am not against unplugging the oil passage in the side case. That is what I'm leaning towards doing.
I decided against the split oil tube, any thought or feelings on that?
I decided against the split oil tube, any thought or feelings on that?
The oil tube on the front of the engine? The dealer put an oil cooler on my new XS650 before I ever rode it. The plumbed it into the tube going to the top end. It’s still there. The bike got a top end refresh at over 60,000 miles. My friends were complaining about getting oil soaked while riding behind me.
The oil tube on the front of the engine? The dealer put an oil cooler on my new XS650 before I ever rode it. The plumbed it into the tube going to the top end. It’s still there. The bike got a top end refresh at over 60,000 miles. My friends were complaining about getting oil soaked while riding behind me.
What do you mean, like it was coming out the exhaust or breather?

I'm really curious about those oil filter covers how does that connect on the inside? If anyone has information on that type?
I mounted a power steering fluid cooler into the oil tube (top end oil feed) on my bike in '79. Mounted it between the frame tubes. I didn't know what I was doing. I am fortunate that I had loud pipes, I live 1 mile from the Marine Corps base gates in enlisted housing, and never revved beyond 2000 rpm riding of base. By the time I was off base the top end likely had good oil flow and the bike seemed to be healthy when I sold it.
Someone has to know what goes on inside these coveres. There is probably hundreds of em being used. I can't find a pic of the other side. It has to pipe into at least one of the two, intake and return orifices?


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Bump. I want to know how these oil screen covers are plumbed in. If there are two fittings on the screen cover I would think there is also an external filter. I want to keep the screen and add a cooler. I will plumb a line out to the cooler from one of the passages and in the screen cover. Then I don't have to do anything inside the cover. If I'm going to do that. Is there a way to use the blocked passages to go in then back out to side case and not mess w screen cover.
What is on the other side of the covers with fittings one must attach to an oil line somewhere? If a remote filter is used how do they get to the pump side and suction side. It's an xs mystery. Unless you've done one I guess.
On this one, the internal passage to the front gallery is plugged. No screen in the side cover.
Oil goes out the cover to the filter and cooler, returns to the front gallery.
Note there is a flow restrictor in the fitting that sends oil to the head. relatively speaking there isn't much oil flow in that line.

oil cooler detail.jpg oil filter cooler.jpg
I'm really curious about those oil filter covers how does that connect on the inside? If anyone has information on that type?
Never seen the inside of that dual fitting/oil line cover. However, we can say with certainty that there has to be something there to split the filter cavity into separate, sealed sections... just by looking at what the oil does inside there.

Oil comes in from the oil pump on the side of the housing. It then passes to the inside of the filter (not shown) where filtered oil is forced out from the back of the cavity.

So, if we put two oil lines on the filter cover (in and out) then we have to separate the cavity into two distinct chambers so that oil flows out one line, to the cooler (and filter) and finally back on the other line and out to oil distribution.

Oil Distrubution, filter cavity.png