Random “popping”

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Oakville, Ontario
When I was out for a ride yesterday, a friend was following me and when we stopped he commented that my XS was making a random “popping” noise from the exhaust. He didn’t say if it was from the right or left side, or both. I told him I didn’t hear anything and certainly didn’t feel a misfire of any sort. I actually thought the bike was running perfectly. I told him it will sometimes pop on deceleration and he said he heard it while riding along at fairly constant speed (about 3 or 4 separate times). On the ride yesterday, which was a bit over 100 km each way, the bike was revving about 3,500 - 4,500 rpm most of the time while cruising. It ran smooth while cruising and pulled well without hesitation on acceleration.

Any thoughts on what this might have been or maybe he heard one of the other bikes further ahead of me? When I got home I checked the plugs and they were burning quite nicely.

Right now I’m not worried but am more curious about it.
Just a shot in the dark but here goes. Like you I feel like my bike runs well enough. The only time I've noticed popping is when I need to switch to reserve or fuel is very low. In other words short fuel supply causing lean condition. As you say you covered over 200km just wondered if you switched to reserve or got low on fuel?
Just a shot in the dark but here goes. Like you I feel like my bike runs well enough. The only time I've noticed popping is when I need to switch to reserve or fuel is very low. In other words short fuel supply causing lean condition. As you say you covered over 200km just wondered if you switched to reserve or got low on fuel?
Thanks for your reply. I was good for fuel at the time the alleged popping occurred. I would only have been 100km off a full tank. The odd thing for me is I didn’t hear or feel a thing. Maybe he heard a decel pop? I could have been accelerating a bit and backed off the throttle? Next time I’m out riding with another person I’ll get them to listen for it.
My bike was doing that. I found a lot of tank debris in one petcock . Basically a clogged petcock & running out or low on fuel on one side (despite the crossover tube).
My bike was doing that. I found a lot of tank debris in one petcock . Basically a clogged petcock & running out or low on fuel on one side (despite the crossover tube).
Season is just about done so I’ll take the petcocks out and apart this winter. No other signs of fuel starvation though. According to my buddy it was several pops over the course of a couple of hours riding.
Season is just about done so I’ll take the petcocks out and apart this winter.
If it were me, I'd need a lot more proof something's wrong before I touched anything. Seems to me you're pretty attuned to how your bike(s) behaves, Vic. I find it hard to believe your bike farted and you didn't feel it, seat of the pants. Get a second opinion 'fore you start down a rabbit hole I say.
If it were me, I'd need a lot more proof something's wrong before I touched anything. Seems to me you're pretty attuned to how your bike(s) behaves, Vic. I find it hard to believe your bike farted and you didn't feel it, seat of the pants. Get a second opinion 'fore you start down a rabbit hole I say.
Thanks Jim, I’ll follow your advice. The guy who reported the noise is a pretty accomplished mechanic so his comment caught my attention. But, the same fellow told me the same day my chain looked too tight. I believed him because I tightened it before the ride. When I got home I checked the tension with suspension compressed and it was fine. 👍