Replaced starter tension clip, now new problems


XS650 Member
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Hernando, MS
The starter gear was slipping so I replaced it with an OEM clip. I was getting 7 pounds of tension with the new one. I put the bike back together and now it’s acting like the tension is too tight. I’m able to kick the bike over and it rides great. Shifts great too. But when I use the starter I’m able to turn the bike over once before the battery does not have enough power to do it again. The battery voltage was around 13.8. I kicked it over and rode it for 5-10 minutes. The battery read around 14.8. When I rev the bike the voltage goes up too. So the bike’s charging system appears to be working. It could be the battery but it’s only 2 years old. Any suggestions?
Sounds like an electrical issue to me, possibly the starter solenoid?? Or possibly the Starter Motor, I'd start by investigating those two first, (esp the Starter motor ground connection is clean/good).
Hopefully someone with more XS experience will be along shortly, though I doubt you could get too much tension on the bendix clip.
Sounds like an electrical issue to me, possibly the starter solenoid?? Or possibly the Starter Motor, I'd start by investigating those two first, (esp the Starter motor ground connection is clean/good).
Hopefully someone with more XS experience will be along shortly, though I doubt you could get too much tension on the bendix clip.
I agree. Having recently done the drag spring retensioning, I think it's virtually impossible to get too much drag. The spring just isn't strong enough for that to happen. After checking all the easy stuff, if there's still a problem, it might be time to open up the starter motor for an overhaul and new brushes.
My bike has the 9:1 750 big bore kit. It’s running a shorai battery with more than enough cca. That said if my battery does not stay on a tender and drains a bit it is a work out to start. If it’s stays on a tender it’s usually pretty quick but sometimes slow to turn over.
Fairly rare but I've a had a starter that got motor oil inside it. It cranked very slow, stopped. Sounded off (honestly like it was underwater.) Bad ground strap other wire connection also possibilities after the battery is ruled out.
PS jumpers from a NOT RUNNING vehicle or any old good 12 volt battery.
I’ll check the battery this weekend. The bike stays on a battery tender too. What CCA is recommended for a bike that has a big bore of 750?